火星の砂嵐は、太陽熱の蓄積によるものである可能性が高いことが判明(Buildup of Solar Heat Likely Contributes to Mars’ Dust Storms, Researchers Find)


長期にわたる気候変動の痕跡は、地球が抱える気候の問題を予見している可能性がある Traces of Long-Ago Climate Change Could Foretell Earth’s Own Climate Troubles

2022-05-16 ヒューストン大学(UH)

火星の砂嵐は、太陽熱の蓄積によるものである可能性が高いことが判明(Buildup of Solar Heat Likely Contributes to Mars’ Dust Storms, Researchers Find)
UH researchers found a link between Mars’ dust storms and its seasonal energy imbalance. Further studies could grant insight into how ancient climate change affected the Red Planet, perhaps even how Earth’s future may be shaped by climate change. At left, Mars in clear conditions; at right, Mars enveloped by a seasonal dust storm. Photo credit: NASA / JPL / MSSS



火星の放射エネルギーと季節的なエネルギーのアンバランス Mars’ emitted energy and seasonal energy imbalance

Ellen Creecy , Liming Li, Xun Jiang, Michael Smith, David Kass, Armin Kleinböhl and Germán Martínez
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Pblished:May 16, 2022


The radiant energy budget of a planet is essential to understanding its surface and atmospheric processes. Here, we report systematic measurements of Mars’ emitted power, which are used to estimate the radiant energy budget of the red planet. Based on the observations from Mars Global Surveyor, Curiosity, and InSight, our measurements suggest that Mars’ global-average emitted power is 111.7 ± 2.4 Wm−2. More importantly, our measurements reveal strong seasonal and diurnal variations of Mars’ emitted power. The strong seasonal variations further suggest an energy imbalance at the time scale of Mars’ seasons (e.g., ∼15.3% of the emitted power in the Northern autumn for the Southern Hemisphere), which could play an important role in generating dust storms on Mars. We also find the 2001 global dust storm decreased the global-average emitted power by ∼22% during daytime but increased the global-average emitted power by ∼29% at nighttime. This suggests that global dust storms play a significant role in Mars’ radiant energy budget.
