NREL、送電網の脅威を検知するサイバーセキュリティ・ツールを開発(NREL Develops Cybersecurity Tool To Flag Threats for Grid)


2022-11-07 米国国立再生可能エネルギー研究所(NREL)

Diagram of cybersecurity software connected to power system showing power lines and communication traffic between Smart grid operator, energy supplier, industrial, power transmission, commercial, residential, SCADA traffic, HIDES, IVis-OT, and visualization.
Utility operators need new solutions to monitor and manage grid threats. IViz-OT is commercially available software that tracks and visualizes distribution system alerts for modern, real-time cybersecurity.

IViz-OTは、NRELが開発したHybrid Intrusion Detector for Energy Systems(HIDES)と連携し、グリッド情報の処理、侵入の検知、警告のログ作成などを行う。HIDESから生成されるログは必ずしも人間が読めるものではないため、IViz-OTは警報ログをオペレータが理解しやすいシンプルなシナリオに復号化する。


HIDES:エネルギーシステム用ハイブリッド侵入検知システム HIDES: Hybrid Intrusion Detector for Energy Systems

Vivek Kumar Singh,Evan Vaughan,Joshua Rivera,Adarsh Hasandka
IEEE Xplore  Published:19 March 2020
DOI: 10.1109/TPEC48276.2020.9042


The establishment of a resilient electric grid accompanied by a secure communications network is an ongoing battle as advanced persistent threats continue to exploit existing vulnerabilities in legacy supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA) infrastructure. Traditional intrusion detection systems (IDSs) lack consistent performance because of the continuously evolving attack surface of SCADA systems. These shortcomings can be overcome by integrating logical system behavior, protocol-specific knowledge, and data-based learning to develop a comprehensive IDS solution. In this paper, we present a Hybrid Intrusion Detector for Energy Systems by integrating a network-based IDS, state-of-the-art machine learning-based IDS, and model-based IDS to detect unknown and stealthy cyberattacks targeting the SCADA networks. The proposed IDS uses synchrophasor measurements and cyber logs to learn patterns of different scenarios based on spatiotemporal behaviors of power systems. As a proof of concept, we implement and validate the proposed IDS by leveraging resources available at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Energy Systems Integration Facility test bed. Experimental results show promising performance in detecting cyberattacks while providing realtime visualization of power system measurements and cyber logs.

