NIST、曲面にマイクロチップのパターンを印刷する優れた新手法を発見(NIST Finds a Sweet New Way to Print Microchip Patterns on Curvy Surfaces)


2022-11-25 米国国立標準技術研究所(NIST)

NIST、曲面にマイクロチップのパターンを印刷する優れた新手法を発見(NIST Finds a Sweet New Way to Print Microchip Patterns on Curvy Surfaces)
Using sugar and corn syrup (i.e., candy), researcher Gary Zabow transferred the word “NIST” onto a human hair in gold letters, shown in false color in this grayscale microscope image.
Credit: G. Zabow/NIST

REFLEX(REflow-driven FLExible Xfer)と呼ばれるこの技術を使って、マイクロサーキットのパターンをステンシルのように転写し、科学者やメーカーが必要な材料を適切な場所にエッチングして充填できるようにすることができる。また、パターン化した材料を元のチップからファイバーやマイクロビーズに転写し、生物医学やマイクロロボットの研究に利用したり、新しいデバイスの鋭い表面や曲面上に転写したりすることもできる。


リフロー転写によるコンフォーマル3次元微細加工 Reflow transfer for conformal three-dimensional microprinting

G. Zabow
Science  Published:24 Nov 2022
DOI: 10.1126/science.add7023

Sweetening the transfer printing process

Micropatterning is the fabrication of specifically textured or patterned surfaces through either lithographic methods or the transfer of a prefabricated pattern using a sacrificial layer onto the substrate surface. However, the various methods generally only work for flat or gently curved surfaces. Zabow reports a method to do transfer printing on near arbitrary conformal surfaces using sugar (see the Perspective by Johnson). Corn syrup is added to the sugar to prevent it from crystallizing, and specific mixtures can be used to tailor the transfer substrate properties. Transfer is achieved using only gentle heating, and the sugar is readily dissolved away. Demonstrations include conformal coatings down vertical sidewalls, over sharp edges, and onto single strands of hair. —MSL


From microcircuits to metamaterials, the micropatterning of surfaces adds valuable functionality. For nonplanar surfaces, incompatibility with conventional microlithography requires the transfer of originally planar micropatterns onto those surfaces; however, existing approaches accommodate only limited curvatures. A microtransfer approach was developed using reflowable materials that transform between solid and liquid on demand, freely stretching to yield transfers that naturally conform down to nanoscale radii of curvature and arbitrarily complex topographies. Such reflow transfer helps generalize microprinting, extending the reach of precision planar microlithography to highly nonplanar substrates and microstructures. With gentle water-based processing, reflow transfer can be applied to a range of materials, with microprinting demonstrated onto metal, plastic, paper, glass, polystyrene, semiconductor, elastomer, hydrogel, and multiple biological surfaces.
