新しい結晶構造が明らかにした太陽系外惑星のダイナミクス(A novel crystal structure sheds light on the dynamics of extrasolar planets)


アルゴンヌのアドバンスト・フォトン・ソースは、銀河系内の惑星がどのように形成され進化してきたかを明らかにするために、大型の太陽系外惑星の研究に使用されています。 Scientists use Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source to study large, extrasolar planets that can shed light on how planets in our galaxy form and evolve.

2022-06-22 アルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)

新しい結晶構造が明らかにした太陽系外惑星のダイナミクス(A novel crystal structure sheds light on the dynamics of extrasolar planets)
A 3D illustration of the structure of the Earth. A team of scientists recently discovered a new crystal structure of a mineral similar to the one that makes up the bulk of Earth’s mantle. (Image by Shutterstock/ Rost9.)



Mg2GeO4の超高圧無秩序8配位相:超地球マントルへのアナロジー Ultrahigh-pressure disordered eight-coordinated phase of Mg2GeO4: Analogue for super-Earth mantles

Rajkrishna Dutta , Sally June Tracy, R. E. Cohen , Francesca Miozzi, Kai Luo, Jing Yang, Pamela C. Burnley, Dean Smith, Yue Meng, Stella Chariton, Vitali B. Prakapenka, and Thomas S. Duffy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Published:February 14, 2022


Mg2GeO4 is important as an analog for the ultrahigh-pressure behavior of Mg2SiO4, a major component of planetary interiors. In this study, we have investigated magnesium germanate to 275 GPa and over 2,000 K using a laser-heated diamond anvil cell combined with in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and density functional theory (DFT) computations. The experimental results are consistent with the formation of a phase with disordered Mg and Ge, in which germanium adopts eightfold coordination with oxygen: the cubic, Th3P4-type structure. DFT computations suggest partial Mg-Ge order, resulting in a tetragonal I4¯2d<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = “[default] http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML” NS = “http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML” />I4¯2d structure indistinguishable from I4¯3dI4¯3d Th3P4 in our experiments. If applicable to silicates, the formation of this highly coordinated and intrinsically disordered phase may have important implications for the interior mineralogy of large, rocky extrasolar planets.
