トコジラミに一般的な動物用医薬品が有効であることが判明(Common Veterinary Drugs Show Effectiveness Against Bed Bugs)


2022-11-29 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)

両薬剤は実験室で強力な効果を示し、ほとんどのトコジラミを殺しましたが、一般的な殺虫剤に抵抗性を示すトコジラミに対しては、フルラナーの方がはるかに効果的な効果を示しました。と、NC StateのBlanton J. Whitmire Distinguished Professor of EntomologyのCoby Schal氏は述べた。この研究を説明する論文の筆頭著者であるフルラレンは、「この薬剤は昆虫の神経系にある受容体に作用する。この薬剤を投与したニワトリを餌とするトコジラミを殺すのに非常に効果的でした。一方、イベルメクチンは投与されたニワトリを餌とするトコジラミには効果がありませんでした。」


養鶏場におけるトコジラミ(Cimex lectularius)防除のための動物用全身投与薬。Systemic veterinary drugs for control of the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius, in poultry farms

Maria A. González-Morales, Andrea E. Thomson, Olivia A. Petritz, Rocio Crespo, Ahmed Haija, Richard G. Santangelo & Coby Schal
Parasites & Vectors volume 15, Article number: 431 (2022)

トコジラミに一般的な動物用医薬品が有効であることが判明(Common Veterinary Drugs Show Effectiveness Against Bed Bugs)



The common bed bug, Cimex lectularius L., is a hematophagous ectoparasite that was a common pest in poultry farms through the 1960s. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and organophosphates eradicated most infestations, but concurrent with their global resurgence as human ectoparasites, infestations of bed bugs have been reappearing in poultry farms. Although the impact of bed bugs on chicken health has not been quantified, frequent biting and blood-feeding are expected to cause stress, infections and even anemia in birds. Bed bug control options are limited due to the sensitive nature of the poultry environment, limited products labeled for bed bug control and resistance of bed bug populations to a broad spectrum of active ingredients. Veterinary drugs are commonly used to control endo- and ectoparasites in animals. In this study, we evaluated the effects of two common veterinary drugs on bed bugs by treating the host with systemic antiparasitic drugs.


We conducted dose–response studies of ivermectin and fluralaner against several bed bug strains using a membrane feeding system. Also, different doses of these drugs were given to chickens and two delivery methods (topical treatment and ingestion) were used to evaluate the efficacy of ivermectin and fluralaner on bed bug mortality.


Using an artificial feeding system, both ivermectin and fluralaner caused high mortality in insecticide-susceptible bed bugs, and fluralaner was found to be effective on pyrethroid- and fipronil-resistant bed bugs. Ivermectin was ineffective in chickens either by the topical treatment or ingestion, whereas bed bugs that fed on chickens which had ingested fluralaner suffered high mortality when feeding on these chickens for up to 28 days post treatment.


These findings suggest that systemic ectoparasitic drugs have great potential for practical use to control bed bug infestations in poultry farms. These findings also demonstrate the efficacy of fluralaner (and potentially other isoxazolines) as a potent new active ingredient for bed bug control.

Graphical Abstract
