JAXAと国連宇宙部との連携協力(KiboCUBE)に基づく 第1回選定のナイロビ大学衛星の「きぼう」からの放出について


2018-05-11  国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構  国連宇宙部(UNOOSA)




第1回KiboCUBE1KUNS-PF(1st Kenyan University Nano Satellite-Precursor Flight)のスケジュール
  • 平成28年8月 第1回KiboCUBEとして選定
  • 平成30年1月16日 JAXAに衛星引き渡し
  • 平成30年4月2日 国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)へ打上げ
  • 平成30年5月11日 「きぼう」日本実験棟より、ロボットアームにより放出



JAXAと国連宇宙部との連携協力(KiboCUBE)に基づく 第1回選定のナイロビ大学衛星の「きぼう」からの放出について

写真1:Photo of deployment of 1KUNS-PF(Kenya) and Irazu (Costa Rica) (deployed at the same time)


写真2:Photo of Kibo Mission Control Room


JAXA 若田光一 有人宇宙技術部門理事のコメント

Congratulations on the successful deployment of the first satellite of the Republic of Kenya from the Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo”! I hope this successful first step of satellite deployment as technology demonstration will lead to the next stage of satellite missions from the Republic of Kenya. The CubeSat (1 KUNS-PF) of the University of Nairobi of the Republic of Kenya which was deployed today is the first KiboCUBE jointly selected by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and JAXA. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to UNOOSA for their tireless effort in preparing for this joint mission, and I look forward to further extending the cooperation between the two organizations. I am proud that we are contributing to Kenya’s emerging space technology through the CubeSat deployment mission utilizing the unique capability of the Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” on the International Space Station.

国連宇宙部 Di Pippo部長(UNOOSA Director Ms.Simonetta Di Pippo)のコメント (意訳(JAXA訳))

This first KiboCUBE satellite brilliantly represents our mission at the Office for Outer Space Affairs: bringing the benefits of space to everyone, everywhere. It is fantastic to see the team from the University of Nairobi build and employ space technology, and it is an important step for Kenya in developing its own skills, experience and infrastructure to access and enjoy the benefits of space. Congratulations to everyone involved in reaching this important milestone today. I also extend my continued appreciation to JAXA for their ongoing support to the KiboCUBE programme and to UNOOSA.
This is also an important day for UNOOSA as it is the first time that space hardware has been deployed as part of our capacity-building activities. It is an exciting step for us in the development of our efforts to bring access to space to all of humankind.

ナイロビ大学 Peter Mbithi 副学長のコメント (意訳(JAXA訳))

The University of Nairobi have completed the development of 1KUNS-PF satellite and it was successfully deployed from the JAXA Kibo Module of ISS. This achievement is an important milestone for University of Nairobi and Kenya, and it is our vision that it will create new opportunities for the University of Nairobi and Kenya to participate in space science. We are grateful for the support provided by international partners and the Government of Kenya during this mission, and we hope that this will continue in the future so that we can build the capacity for Kenyans to benefit and build more satellites.
