融解の早い氷が海洋酸性化に寄与している可能性(Fast-melting ice may contribute to ocean acidification)


デラウェア大学のWei-Jun Cai教授と共同研究者は、北極の雪解け水と海洋化学の変化の間に相関関係があることを発見しました。 UD’s Wei-Jun Cai and collaborators find correlation between Arctic meltwater and changing ocean chemistry

2022-09-29 デラウェア大学 (UD)

融解の早い氷が海洋酸性化に寄与している可能性(Fast-melting ice may contribute to ocean acidification)
Researchers, including UD’s Zhangxian Ouyang, traveled aboard the icebreaker R/V Xue Long into an active melting zone in the Arctic Ocean to get samples for analysis.



1994年から2020年までの北極海における気候変動による急激な10年ごとの酸性化の進行 Climate change drives rapid decadal acidification in the Arctic Ocean from 1994 to 2020

Di Qi,Zhangxian Ouyang,Liqi Chen,Yingxu Wu ,Ruibo Lei,Baoshan Chen,Richard A. Feely ,Leif G. Anderson,Wenli Zhong,Hongmei Lin,Alexander Polukhin,Yixing Zhang,Yongli Zhang,Haibo Bi,Xinyu Lin,Yiming Luo,Yanpei Zhuang,Jianfeng He,Jianfang Chen,Wei-Jun Cai
Science  Published:29 Sep 2022
DOI: 10.1126/science.abo0383

Acceleration in the Arctic

The Arctic is warming at a rate faster than any comparable region on Earth, with a consequently rapid loss of sea ice there. Qi et al. found that this sea ice loss is causing more uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide by surface water and driving rapid acidification of the western Arctic Ocean, at a rate three to four times higher than that of the other ocean basins. They attribute this finding to melt-driven addition of freshwater and the resulting changes in seawater chemistry. —HJS


The Arctic Ocean has experienced rapid warming and sea ice loss in recent decades, becoming the first open-ocean basin to experience widespread aragonite undersaturation [saturation state of aragonite (Ωarag) < 1]. However, its trend toward long-term ocean acidification and the underlying mechanisms remain undocumented. Here, we report rapid acidification there, with rates three to four times higher than in other ocean basins, and attribute it to changing sea ice coverage on a decadal time scale. Sea ice melt exposes seawater to the atmosphere and promotes rapid uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide, lowering its alkalinity and buffer capacity and thus leading to sharp declines in pH and Ωarag. We predict a further decrease in pH, particularly at higher latitudes where sea ice retreat is active, whereas Arctic warming may counteract decreases in Ωarag in the future.
