LLNLは、たわみ試験から小惑星の材料特性を推測するDARTミッションの新しい論文をリードしています。(LLNL leads new DART Mission paper on inferring asteroid material properties from deflection test)


2022-09-26 アメリカ・ローレンスリバモア国立研究所(LLNL)

LLNLは、たわみ試験から小惑星の材料特性を推測するDARTミッションの新しい論文をリードしています。(LLNL leads new DART Mission paper on inferring asteroid material properties from deflection test)
llustration of NASA’s DART spacecraft and the Italian Space Agency’s LICIACube prior to impact at the Didymos binary system. Credits: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Steve Gribben.

新しい論文は、LLNLのKathryn Kumamotoが中心となって、実際のDART実験のデータを解釈するための詳しい「ドレスリハーサル」を解説している。


Predicting asteroid material properties from a DART-like kinetic impact

Kathryn M. Kumamoto, J. Michael Owen, Megan Bruck Syal, Jason Pearl, Cody Raskin, Wendy K. Caldwell, Emma Rainey, Angela Stickle, R. Terik Daly, Olivier Barnouin

Accepted to the Planetary Science Journal

Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP)

Report number:
LLNL-JRNL-837536; LA-UR-22-28492

Cite as:
arXiv:2209.11876 [astro-ph.EP]

(or arXiv:2209.11876v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version)

Predicting asteroid material properties from a DART-like kinetic impact
NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission is the first full-scale test of the kinetic impactor method for a...

NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission is the first full-scale test of the kinetic impactor method for asteroid deflection, in which a spacecraft intentionally impacts an asteroid to change its trajectory. DART represents an important first step for planetary defense technology demonstration, providing a realistic assessment of the effectiveness of the kinetic impact approach on a near-Earth asteroid. The momentum imparted to the asteroid is transferred from the impacting spacecraft and enhanced by the momentum of material ejected from the impact site. However, the magnitude of the ejecta contribution is dependent on the material properties of the target. These properties, such as strength and shear modulus, are unknown for the DART target asteroid, Dimorphos, as well as most asteroids since such properties are difficult to characterize remotely.
This study examines how hydrocode simulations can be used to estimate material properties from information available post-impact, specifically the asteroid size and shape, the velocity and properties of the impacting spacecraft, and the final velocity change imparted to the asteroid. Across >300 three-dimensional simulations varying seven material parameters describing the asteroid, we found many combinations of properties could reproduce a particular asteroid velocity. Additional observations, such as asteroid mass or crater size, are required to further constrain properties like asteroid strength or outcomes like the momentum enhancement provided by impact ejecta. Our results demonstrate the vital importance of having as much knowledge as possible prior to an impact mission, with key material parameters being the asteroid’s mass, porosity, strength, and elastic properties.
