ペロブスカイト太陽電池のスケーラビリティ問題への解決策(A solution to perovskite solar cell scalability problems)


2022-05-03 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

EPFLのMohammad Nazeeruddin教授率いる科学者たちは、ペロブスカイトのスケールアップの問題を克服する方法を発見した。ペロブスカイト膜の構築に使用できる単結晶の二酸化チタン菱面体ナノ粒子を製造できる、簡単なソルボサーマル法を開発したのである。


安定で高効率なペロブスカイトモジュールのための単結晶TiO2ナノ粒子 Single-crystalline TiO2 nanoparticles for stable and efficient perovskite modules

Yong Ding,Bin Ding,Hiroyuki Kanda,Onovbaramwen Jennifer Usiobo,Thibaut Gallet,Zhenhai Yang,Yan Liu,Hao Huang,Jiang Sheng,Cheng Liu,Yi Yang,Valentin Ianis Emmanuel Queloz,Xianfu Zhang,Jean-Nicolas Audinot,Alex Redinger,Wei Dang,Edoardo Mosconic,Wen Luo,Filippo De Angelis,Mingkui Wang,Patrick Dörflinger,Melina Armer,Valentin Schmid,Rui Wang,Keith G. Brooks,Jihuai Wu,Vladimir Dyakonov,Guanjun Yang,Songyuan Dai,Paul J. Dyson & Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin
Nature Nanotechnology  Published: 21 April 2022

ペロブスカイト太陽電池のスケーラビリティ問題への解決策(A solution to perovskite solar cell scalability problems)


Despite the remarkable progress in power conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells, going from individual small-size devices into large-area modules while preserving their commercial competitiveness compared with other thin-film solar cells remains a challenge. Major obstacles include reduction of both the resistive losses and intrinsic defects in the electron transport layers and the reliable fabrication of high-quality large-area perovskite films. Here we report a facile solvothermal method to synthesize single-crystalline TiO2 rhombohedral nanoparticles with exposed (001) facets. Owing to their low lattice mismatch and high affinity with the perovskite absorber, their high electron mobility and their lower density of defects, single-crystalline TiO2 nanoparticle-based small-size devices achieve an efficiency of 24.05% and a fill factor of 84.7%. The devices maintain about 90% of their initial performance after continuous operation for 1,400 h. We have fabricated large-area modules and obtained a certified efficiency of 22.72% with an active area of nearly 24 cm2, which represents the highest-efficiency modules with the lowest loss in efficiency when scaling up.
