ミュンヘンの研究チームは、固体モデル中の正電荷キャリアが結合してペアを形成する様子を、実験で初めてモニターしました。この過程は、高温超伝導の理解に重要な役割を果たす可能性がある。 A Munich team of researchers has for the first time monitored in an experiment how positive charge carriers in a solid-state model combined to form pairs. This process could play an important role in understanding high-temperature superconductivity.
2023-01-19 ミュンヘン大学(LMU)
- https://www.lmu.de/en/newsroom/news-overview/news/quantum-physics-simulation-of-superconductivity.html
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05437-y
超低温原子からなるフェルミオン梯子における磁気的媒介による正孔対形成 Magnetically mediated hole pairing in fermionic ladders of ultracold atoms
Sarah Hirthe,Thomas Chalopin,Dominik Bourgund,Petar Bojović,Annabelle Bohrdt,Eugene Demler,Fabian Grusdt,Immanuel Bloch &Timon A. Hilker
Nature Published:18 January 2023
Conventional superconductivity emerges from pairing of charge carriers—electrons or holes—mediated by phonons1. In many unconventional superconductors, the pairing mechanism is conjectured to be mediated by magnetic correlations2, as captured by models of mobile charges in doped antiferromagnets3. However, a precise understanding of the underlying mechanism in real materials is still lacking and has been driving experimental and theoretical research for the past 40 years. Early theoretical studies predicted magnetic-mediated pairing of dopants in ladder systems4,5,6,7,8, in which idealized theoretical toy models explained how pairing can emerge despite repulsive interactions9. Here we experimentally observe this long-standing theoretical prediction, reporting hole pairing due to magnetic correlations in a quantum gas of ultracold atoms. By engineering doped antiferromagnetic ladders with mixed-dimensional couplings10, we suppress Pauli blocking of holes at short length scales. This results in a marked increase in binding energy and decrease in pair size, enabling us to observe pairs of holes predominantly occupying the same rung of the ladder. We find a hole–hole binding energy of the order of the superexchange energy and, upon increased doping, we observe spatial structures in the pair distribution, indicating repulsion between bound hole pairs. By engineering a configuration in which binding is strongly enhanced, we delineate a strategy to increase the critical temperature for superconductivity.