グリーンランド融解による海水準変動のモデルを確認する観測結果(Observations confirm model of sea-level change from Greenland melt)


気候変動が沿岸地域に与える影響を理解するためには、地域の海水準変動の正確な予測が不可欠である Accurate predictions of regional sea-level change are essential in understanding the impact of climate change on coastal areas

2022-09-30 アメリカ・ロスアラモス国立研究所(LANL)

グリーンランド融解による海水準変動のモデルを確認する観測結果(Observations confirm model of sea-level change from Greenland melt)
As ice sheets and glaciers on Greenland melt and the water is redistributed around the global oceans, sea level does not rise uniformly. New research using high-latitude measurements by satellites confirms computational models that forecast lower sea level around Greenland but higher levels farther away.



グリーンランド氷床融解の海水準フィンガープリントの検出 A detection of the sea level fingerprint of Greenland Ice Sheet melt

Sophie Coulson,Sönke Dangendorf,Jerry X. Mitrovica,Mark E. Tamisiea,Linda Pan,David T. Sandwell
Science  Published:29 Sep 2022
DOI: 10.1126/science.abo0926

Leveling up and down

Rapid melting of ice sheets and glaciers raises the global average sea level but does so in a complex pattern of regional increases and decreases called a sea level fingerprint. Coulson et al. found that the fingerprint of melting near the Greenland Ice Sheet can be detected using ice mass loss estimates made from radar altimetry and model reconstructions of nearby glaciers. Their data provide an independent confirmation of the acceleration of Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss and reveal the impact of this mass flux on sea surface heights around Greenland. —HJS


Rapid melting of ice sheets and glaciers drives a unique geometry, or fingerprint, of sea level change. However, the detection of individual fingerprints has been challenging because of sparse observations at high latitudes and the difficulty of disentangling ocean dynamic variability from the signal. We predict the fingerprint of Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) melt using recent ice mass loss estimates from radar altimetry data and model reconstructions of nearby glaciers and compare this prediction to an independent, altimetry-derived sea surface height trend corrected for ocean dynamic variability in the region adjacent to the ice sheet. A statistically significant correlation between the two fields (P < 0.001) provides an unambiguous observational detection of the near-field sea level fingerprint of recent GrIS melting in our warming world.
