CUOREチームがニュートリノの奇妙な振る舞いに新たな制限を加える(CUORE team places new limits on the bizarre behavior of neutrinos)


物理学者はニュートリノの真の性質に迫り、我々の存在に関する基本的な疑問への解答に近づいているかもしれません。 Physicists are closing in on the true nature of the neutrino — and might be closer to answering a fundamental question about our own existence

2022-04-06 ローレンスバークレー国立研究所(LBNL)

・CUORE(Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events)の研究者たちは、ニュートリノがそれ自身の反粒子であるという奇妙な可能性について、これまでで最も厳しい制限を設けたと発表しました。


CUOREによるミリケルビン超低温を利用したマヨラナニュートリノの探索 Search for Majorana neutrinos exploiting millikelvin cryogenics with CUORE

D. Q. Adams, C. Alduino, K. Alfonso, F. T. Avignone III, O. Azzolini, G. Bari, F. Bellini, G. Benato, M. Beretta, M. Biassoni, A. Branca, C. Brofferio, C. Bucci, J. Camilleri, A. Caminata, A. Campani, L. Canonica, X. G. Cao, S. Capelli, L. Cappelli, L. Cardani, P. Carniti, N. Casali, E. Celi, D. Chiesa, M. Clemenza, S. Copello, O. Cremonesi, R. J. Creswick, A. D’Addabbo, I. Dafinei, S. Dell’Oro, S. Di Domizio, V. Dompè, D. Q. Fang, G. Fantini, M. Faverzani, E. Ferri, F. Ferroni, E. Fiorini, M. A. Franceschi, S. J. Freedman, S. H. Fu, B. K. Fujikawa, A. Giachero, L. Gironi, A. Giuliani, P. Gorla, C. Gotti, T. D. Gutierrez, K. Han, E. V. Hansen, K. M. Heeger, R. G. Huang, H. Z. Huang, J. Johnston, G. Keppel, Yu. G. Kolomensky, C. Ligi, R. Liu, L. Ma, Y. G. Ma, L. Marini, R. H. Maruyama, D. Mayer, Y. Mei, N. Moggi, S. Morganti, T. Napolitano, M. Nastasi, J. Nikkel, C. Nones, E. B. Norman, A. Nucciotti, I. Nutini, T. O’Donnell, J. L. Ouellet, S. Pagan, C. E. Pagliarone, L. Pagnanini, M. Pallavicini, L. Pattavina, M. Pavan, G. Pessina, V. Pettinacci, C. Pira, S. Pirro, S. Pozzi, E. Previtali, A. Puiu, C. Rosenfeld, C. Rusconi, M. Sakai, S. Sangiorgio, B. Schmidt, N. D. Scielzo, V. Sharma, V. Singh, M. Sisti, D. Speller, P. T. Surukuchi, L. Taffarello, F. Terranova, C. Tomei, K. J. Vetter, M. Vignati, S. L. Wagaarachchi, B. S. Wang, B. Welliver, J. Wilson, K. Wilson, L. A. Winslow, S. Zimmermann  & S. Zucchelli
Nature  Published: 06 April 2022

CUOREチームがニュートリノの奇妙な振る舞いに新たな制限を加える(CUORE team places new limits on the bizarre behavior of neutrinos)


The possibility that neutrinos may be their own antiparticles, unique among the known fundamental particles, arises from the symmetric theory of fermions proposed by Ettore Majorana in 19371. Given the profound consequences of such Majorana neutrinos, among which is a potential explanation for the matter–antimatter asymmetry of the universe via leptogenesis2, the Majorana nature of neutrinos commands intense experimental scrutiny globally; one of the primary experimental probes is neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay. Here we show results from the search for 0νββ decay of 130Te, using the latest advanced cryogenic calorimeters with the CUORE experiment3. CUORE, operating just 10 millikelvin above absolute zero, has pushed the state of the art on three frontiers: the sheer mass held at such ultralow temperatures, operational longevity, and the low levels of ionizing radiation emanating from the cryogenic infrastructure. We find no evidence for 0νββ decay and set a lower bound of the process half-life as 2.2 × 1025 years at a 90 per cent credibility interval. We discuss potential applications of the advances made with CUORE to other fields such as direct dark matter, neutrino and nuclear physics searches and large-scale quantum computing, which can benefit from sustained operation of large payloads in a low-radioactivity, ultralow-temperature cryogenic environment.
