熱すぎて手に負えない:ピット工学部の新しい研究で、有機金属骨格の熱伝導性を検証 (Too hot to handle:A new Pitt Engineering study tests the thermal conductivity of metal organic frameworks)


2023-01-26 ピッツバーグ大学

◆彼らの論文は、最近、npj Computational Materialsに掲載されました。(DOI: 10.1038/s41524-022-00961-x)


仮想的な有機金属骨格を用いた熱伝導のハイスループット・スクリーニング High-throughput screening of hypothetical metal-organic frameworks for thermal conductivity

Meiirbek Islamov,Hasan Babaei,Ryther Anderson,Kutay B. Sezginel,Jeffrey R. Long,Alan J. H. McGaughey,Diego A. Gomez-Gualdron & Christopher E. Wilmer
npj Computational Materials  Published:20 January 2023

熱すぎて手に負えない:ピット工学部の新しい研究で、有機金属骨格の熱伝導性を検証 (Too hot to handle:A new Pitt Engineering study tests the thermal conductivity of metal organic frameworks)


Thermal energy management in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is an important, yet often neglected, challenge for many adsorption-based applications such as gas storage and separations. Despite its importance, there is insufficient understanding of the structure-property relationships governing thermal transport in MOFs. To provide a data-driven perspective into these relationships, here we perform large-scale computational screening of thermal conductivity k in MOFs, leveraging classical molecular dynamics simulations and 10,194 hypothetical MOFs created using the ToBaCCo 3.0 code. We found that high thermal conductivity in MOFs is favored by high densities (> 1.0 g cm−3), small pores (< 10 Å), and four-connected metal nodes. We also found that 36 MOFs exhibit ultra-low thermal conductivity (< 0.02 W m−1 K−1), which is primarily due to having extremely large pores (~65 Å). Furthermore, we discovered six hypothetical MOFs with very high thermal conductivity (> 10 W m−1 K−1), the structures of which we describe in additional detail.
