一般的な水処理システムの非効率性を打破する新しいモデル(New Model Could Help Break Through Inefficiencies of Common Water Treatment Systems)


2023-01-17 米国国立再生可能エネルギー研究所(NREL)

一般的な水処理システムの非効率性を打破する新しいモデル(New Model Could Help Break Through Inefficiencies of Common Water Treatment Systems)
Hari Sitaraman and Ilenia Battiato have, for the first time, analyzed an entire reverse osmosis system, like the one seen here, with the greatest precision yet. With their simulations, the duo identified a new structural design that could improve the energy efficiency of these systems by a whopping 40%. Photo from Hari Sitaraman, NREL

このたび、National Alliance for Water Innovation(NAWI)研究コンソーシアムのメンバーであるSitaramanとIllenia Battiatoは、スーパーコンピュータを用いて逆浸透膜システム全体を研究しました。この新しい技術により、二人は逆浸透膜のエネルギー効率を約40%向上させ、同じ量と品質の飲料水を生産しながら、費用対効果を高めることができる新しいシステム設計も発見しました。この結果は、『Separation and Purification Technology』誌の新しい論文に掲載されています。


逆浸透膜システムにおける物質移動と濃度分極に及ぼす大規模効果の影響 Impact of large-scale effects on mass transfer and concentration polarization in Reverse Osmosis membrane systems

Hariswaran Sitaraman Ilenia Battiato
Separation and Purification Technology  Available online: 29 September 2022


•Simulations of large-scale reverse osmosis membrane channels are presented.
•Spacer-induced mixing and thin concentration boundary layers are resolved.
•Concentration profiles are not fully developed for a significant distance along the channel.
•A modified mass-transfer correlation is derived that includes streamwise distance.
•Non uniform arrangement of spacers leads to savings on pressure drop.


We present well-resolved computational fluid dynamics simulations of a large-scale reverse osmosis membrane-spacer configuration (∼ 1 m). Our computational model solves the flow and transport equations with variable solute-dependent properties. We utilize a high resolution computational mesh to resolve all relevant length scales associated with spacer-induced mixing and thin concentration boundary layers. An important contribution of this work is the development of a modified mass-transfer correlation that accounts for the development of the concentration boundary layer along the channel. A set of 2D axisymmetric simulations were performed for a spiral wound module layer with varying cross-flow conditions and spacer diameters which indicate a significant entrance length effect for concentration profile development at lower flow rates while mixing effects dominate at higher flow rates. The mass-transfer correlations at higher flow rates compare well with published correlations while a surrogate model for Sherwood number was obtained that depends on an additional similarity variable that accounted for entrance length effects at lower flow rates. Finally, a large-scale membrane-spacer design relevant to high-pressure reverse osmosis is studied with a non-uniform arrangement of spacers, which indicate a substantial saving in pressure drop (∼ 40%) compared to traditional uniformly spaced pattern with minor variations (∼ 2%) in concentration polarization, product water quality (∼ 1%) and water recovery (∼ 7%) compared to a uniform spacer pattern.
