銀河を「宇宙望遠鏡」に見立て、若い宇宙の中心を研究(Researchers Use Galaxy as a ‘Cosmic Telescope’ to Study Heart of the Young Universe)


2022-05-18 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)

・約138億年前のビッグバン後、初期宇宙は巨大な中性拡散ガスの雲で満たされており、ダンピングライマンα系(DLA)と呼ばれています。DLA は銀河の苗床となり、中のガスがゆっくりと凝縮し、星や銀河の形成の燃料となったのです。現在でも観測は可能ですが、簡単ではありません。


星形成の原動力となる減衰ライマンα系におけるH Iの解像力 Resolving the H I in damped Lyman α systems that power star formation

Rongmon Bordoloi,John M. O’Meara,Keren Sharon,Jane R. Rigby,Jeff Cooke,Ahmed Shaban,Mateusz Matuszewski,Luca Rizzi,Greg Doppmann,D. Christopher Martin,Anna M. Moore,Patrick Morrissey & James D. Neill
Nature  Published:18 May 2022

銀河を「宇宙望遠鏡」に見立て、若い宇宙の中心を研究(Researchers Use Galaxy as a ‘Cosmic Telescope’ to Study Heart of the Young Universe)


Reservoirs of dense atomic gas (primarily hydrogen) contain approximately 90 per cent of the neutral gas at a redshift of 3, and contribute to between 2 and 3 per cent of the total baryons in the Universe1,2,3,4. These ‘damped Lyman α systems’—so called because they absorb Lyman α photons within and from background sources—have been studied for decades, but only through absorption lines present in the spectra of background quasars and γ-ray bursts5,6,7,8,9,10. Such pencil beams do not constrain the physical extent of the systems. Here we report integral-field spectroscopy of a bright, gravitationally lensed galaxy at a redshift of 2.7 with two foreground damped Lyman α systems. These systems are greater than 238 kiloparsecs squared in extent, with column densities of neutral hydrogen varying by more than an order of magnitude on scales of less than 3 kiloparsecs. The mean column densities are between 1020.46 and 1020.84 centimetres squared and the total masses are greater than 5.5 × 108–1.4 × 109 times the mass of the Sun, showing that they contain the necessary fuel for the next generation of star formation, consistent with relatively massive, low-luminosity primeval galaxies at redshifts greater than 2.
