何がブラックホールを成長させ、新しい星を形成するのか?機械学習が謎を解く(What makes black holes grow and new stars form? Machine learning helps solve the mystery)


2024-03-05 バース大学



タイプ2セイファート銀河における合併後の星形成強化:ディープラーニングの見解 A post-merger enhancement only in star-forming Type 2 Seyfert galaxies: the deep learning view

M S Avirett-Mackenzie, C Villforth, M Huertas-Company, S Wuyts, D M Alexander, S Bonoli, A Lapi, I E Lopez, C Ramos Almeida, F Shankar
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  Published:22 February 2024

BPT diagnostics of our AGN sample (red; Seyfert region) and the non-AGN galaxies in our sample with secure measurements of all four relevant emission lines (grey; other regions). Black points indicate the non-AGN selected as controls for this work (approximately half of the control sample, as the other half come from the set of galaxies without secure emission line detections and are not shown here). Galaxies are classified as star-forming below the Kauffmann et al. (2003b) cutoff (dashed line), as composite between this and the Kewley et al. (2001) cutoff (solid line), and as Seyfert or LINER above this and split by a straight line of angle 25° (dot–dashed line; see fig. 2 of Kauffmann et al. 2003b).


Supermassive black holes require a reservoir of cold gas at the centre of their host galaxy in order to accrete and shine as active galactic nuclei (AGN). Major mergers have the ability to drive gas rapidly inwards, but observations trying to link mergers with AGN have found mixed results due to the difficulty of consistently identifying galaxy mergers in surveys. This study applies deep learning to this problem, using convolutional neural networks trained to identify simulated post-merger galaxies from survey-realistic imaging. This provides a fast and repeatable alternative to human visual inspection. Using this tool, we examine a sample of ∼8500 Seyfert 2 galaxies (⁠L[OIII]∼1038.5−42 erg s−1) at z < 0.3 in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and find a merger fraction of 2.19+0.21 −0.17per cent compared with inactive control galaxies, in which we find a merger fraction of 2.96+0.26 −0.20per cent, indicating an overall lack of mergers among AGN hosts compared with controls. However, matching the controls to the AGN hosts in stellar mass and star formation rate reveals that AGN hosts in the star-forming blue cloud exhibit a ∼2 × merger enhancement over controls, while those in the quiescent red sequence have significantly lower relative merger fractions, leading to the observed overall deficit due to the differing M*–SFR distributions. We conclude that while mergers are not the dominant trigger of all low-luminosity, obscured AGN activity in the nearby Universe, they are more important to AGN fuelling in galaxies with higher cold gas mass fractions as traced through star formation.

