ジェームス・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡に搭載された研究室の技術(Lab’s technology on board James Webb Space Telescope)


2022-08-09 アメリカ・ローレンスリバモア国立研究所(LLNL)

LLNLのエンジニアチームは、ジェームス・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡(JWST)に搭載されるカナダの装置、近赤外線撮像装置とスリットレス分光器(Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph)用にセレン化亜鉛グリズムをダイヤモンド加工した。このグリズムは0.6~3.0マイクロメートルの波長域で動作し、太陽系外惑星の通過分光を行うことを主な科学的目標としています。



The JWST NIRISS GR700XD grism produces spectra for wavelengths between 0.6 and 2.8 μm with a resolving power at blaze maximum in first order for R ≈ 700. The GR700XD enables single object slitless spectroscopy.

The GR700XD grism produces multiple orders of cross-dispersed spectra for a single object between wavelengths 0.6 and 2.8 μm. It provides resolving power of R ≈ 700 at the blaze wavelength in first order. The GR700XD grism enables the single object slitless spectroscopy mode of NIRISS, which is optimized for time-series observation applications that demand a high degree of spectro-photometric stability.

The GR700XD grism has 2 components that are butted together. In the order that they are encountered by an incoming beam of light, these are:

  1. A prism made of zinc sulfide (ZnS). The wedge of the prism provides cross-dispersion of the spectral orders diffracted by the grism. In addition, the input surface of the prism has a weak cylindrical lens ground into it, which provides modest defocus for the spectral orders produced by the grism. By design, this defocus spreads the dispersed light over more pixels in the spatial dimension, which mitigates the effect of flat field errors and allows brighter sources to be observed without saturating. An anti-reflection coating was applied to both sides of the prism to minimize losses at the interfaces.
  2. A grism made of zinc selenide (ZnSe), with the properties listed in Table 1. An anti-reflection coating was deposited on the side of this element that faces the prism.

Figure 1 shows a cutaway view of these 2 components, while Figure 2 shows the flight hardware for both the prism (input) side and the grism (output) side.

ジェームス・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡に搭載された研究室の技術(Lab’s technology on board James Webb Space Telescope)
