NISTの中性子研究により、ゲルが光を精密にフィルターする異常な能力の秘密が明らかになりました。 Neutron research at NIST reveals the secret to a gel’s unusual ability to precisely filter light.
2022-06-27 アメリカ国立標準技術研究所(NIST)
二連続マイクロメートルドメインを用いたきめ細かな動的着色法 Finely tunable dynamical coloration using bicontinuous micrometer-domains
Yuyin Xi,Fan Zhang,Yuanchi Ma,Vivek M. Prabhu & Yun Liu
Nature Communications Published:DOI:
Nanostructures similar to those found in the vividly blue wings of Morpho butterflies and colorful photonic crystals enable structural color through constructive interference of light waves. Different from commonly studied structure-colored materials using periodic structures to manipulate optical properties, we report a previously unrecognized approach to precisely control the structural color and light transmission via a novel photonic colloidal gel without long-range order. Nanoparticles in this gel form micrometer-sized bicontinuous domains driven by the microphase separation of binary solvents. This approach enables dynamic coloration with a precise wavelength selectivity over a broad range of wavelengths extended well beyond the visible light that is not achievable with traditional methods. The dynamic wavelength selectivity is thermally tunable, reversible, and the material fabrication is easily scalable.