南極大陸を「最後のチャンス」と見る人もいれば、「背景」と見る人もいる。(Some See Antarctica as ‘Last Chance’ Destination; for Others, It’s a Backdrop)


2022-04-12 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)



観光客の動機、学習、旅行満足度は、南極観光体験の環境保護的成果を促進する Tourists’ motivations, learning, and trip satisfaction facilitate pro-environmental outcomes of the Antarctic tourist experience

DanielaCajiao,Yu-FaiLeung,Lincoln R.Larson,PabloTejedo,JavierBenayas
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism March 2022

南極大陸を「最後のチャンス」と見る人もいれば、「背景」と見る人もいる。(Some See Antarctica as ‘Last Chance’ Destination; for Others, It’s a Backdrop)
図2. 南極観光の動機の類型化。クラスター分析により、4つの識別可能な色分けされた動機グループが発見され、グループ内で報告された特定の動機の頻度によって可視化された。11のモチベーションカテゴリーの横の括弧内の数字は、カテゴリーごとの回答数およびサンプル全体(n=233)におけるこのテーマを記述する回答者の一般的な割合に対応している。(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)


Tourism in Antarctica has been growing and diversifying. While Antarctic tourists are purported to have meaningful interactions with the Antarctic environment, little empirical research exists to understand how motivations and trip characteristics of the Antarctic journey shape tourists’ experiential outputs, which may in turn influence their pro-environmental outcomes. To examine these relationships, we conducted exploratory analyses using 242 pre-and post-trip surveys collected during the 2019–2020 Antarctic season. We identified four motivation types of Antarctic tourists: experience & learning, adventure into Antarctica, social bonding, and trip of a lifetime. Following the interactional model of tourist experience, we associated this motivation typology and trip characteristics with experiential outputs (Perceived Learning, Measured Learning, and Satisfaction) and pro-environmental outcomes (Environmental Concerns, Management Preferences, and Behavior Intentions). Our results indicated most tourists traveling to Antarctica already possessed high levels of pro-environmental attitudes and behavior intentions, leading to few significant changes after the journey. However, we found that the specific inputs of motivations and trip characteristics influenced experiential outputs in different ways -especially Perceived Learning and Satisfaction-, which were strongly associated with pro-environmental outcomes. Findings reinforce the importance of meaningful and transformative Antarctic tourist experiences in promoting sustainable human-environment interactions and provide new insights regarding tourists’ learning and experiential outcomes.
