河川は何年も干ばつから回復しないかもしれない(Rivers may not recover from drought for years)


河川の干ばつ期間と深刻度を特定する新手法 New method pinpoints streamflow drought duration, severity

2023-10-11 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校(UCR)

◆新たなUC Riversideの研究によれば、雨不足だけが干ばつの尺度ではなく、干ばつの影響は川や河川で最大3.5年続くことがあります。従来は雨量が干ばつを評価する主要な指標でしたが、地下水から供給される川や河川のベースフロー干ばつも考慮すべきだと研究者らは主張します。この種の干ばつは水の利用可能性や生態系に影響を及ぼし、インフラストラクチャーの安定性にも影響を及ぼす可能性があります。


アメリカ全土の長期気象学的干ばつに対するベースフロー応答の包括的評価 Comprehensive assessment of baseflow responses to long-term meteorological droughts across the United States

Sanghyun Lee, Hoori Ajami
Journal of Hydrology  Available online: 26 September 2023

河川は何年も干ばつから回復しないかもしれない(Rivers may not recover from drought for years)


•We presented a flexible approach for detecting precipitation and baseflow droughts.
•Delayed baseflow responses to precipitation drought were up to 41 months.
•We examined climatic and catchment properties affecting baseflow droughts.
•The aridity index can differentiate the spatial patterns of baseflow droughts.
•Baseflow drought have become more severe and prolonged with climate change.


Baseflow is a critical component of streamflow, as it maintains flow during meteorological drought. However, our understanding of baseflow response to meteorological droughts is limited. In this study, we presented a flexible approach for detecting precipitation and baseflow droughts and their corresponding recovery. Using this framework, we analyzed data from 358 anthropogenically unaffected catchments to characterize the droughts and recovery properties of baseflow across the United States. Results showed that baseflow droughts were more severe than the precipitation droughts, with duration ranging between 9–104 months. There were delayed responses of baseflow to precipitation droughts, showing longer-lasting effects up to 41 months after the end of precipitation droughts. Our analysis also revealed that baseflow drought is controlled by climate and hydrologic responses of a catchment, whereas baseflow recovery primarily depends on post-drought climate conditions. Furthermore, the aridity index can differentiate the spatial patterns of baseflow responses to precipitation droughts. Decadal changes in baseflow droughts revealed that baseflow droughts have become more severe and prolonged due in part to the rise in temperature highlighting the impacts of climate change on baseflow in the mild temperate zone. Overall, this study provides comprehensive insights into baseflow drought detection and its response to precipitation droughts and underscores the importance of these processes for sustainable water resource management.
