「グレッツェル」太陽電池が新記録を達成(“Grätzel” solar cells achieve a new record)


2022-10-27 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

「グレッツェル」太陽電池が新記録を達成(“Grätzel” solar cells achieve a new record)

この方法により、世界標準の模擬太陽光のもとで、初めて15.2%の電力変換効率を持つDSCを開発し、500時間以上の長期動作安定性を確認することができた。さらに、アクティブエリアを2.8 cm2に拡大することで、幅広い光量範囲において28.4%~30.2%の電力変換効率を達成し、優れた安定性を実現した。


ヒドロキサム酸の前吸着による増感型太陽電池の高効率化 Hydroxamic acid preadsorption raises efficiency of cosensitized solar cells

Yameng Ren,Dan Zhang,Jiajia Suo,Yiming Cao,Felix T. Eickemeyer,Nick Vlachopoulos,Shaik M. Zakeeruddin,Anders Hagfeldt & Michael Grätzel
Nature  Published:26 October 2022

We are providing an unedited version of this manuscript to give early access to its findings. Before final publication, the manuscript will undergo further editing. Please note there may be errors present which affect the content, and all legal disclaimers apply.


Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) convert light into electricity using photosensitizers adsorbed on the surface of nanocrystalline mesoporous titanium dioxide (TiO2) films along with electrolytes or solid charge-transport materials1-3. They possess many features including transparency, multicolor and low-cost fabrication, and are being deployed in glass facades, skylights and greenhouses4. Recent development of sensitizers5-10, redox mediators11-13 and device structures14 has improved the performance of DSCs, particularly under ambient light conditions14-17. To further enhance its efficiency, it is pivotal to control the assembly of dye molecules on the surface of TiO2 that favors charge generation. Here, we report a route of pre-adsorbing a monolayer of a hydroxamic acid derivative on the surface of TiO2 to improve the dye molecular packing and photovoltaic performance of two newly-designed co-adsorbed sensitizers that harvests light quantitatively across the entire visible domain. The best performing cosensitized solar cells exhibited a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 15.2% (independently confirmed 15.2%) under standard air mass 1.5 global simulated sunlight, and showed long-term operational stability (500 hours). Devices with a larger active area of 2.8 cm2 exhibited PCE of 28.4 % to 30.2 % over a wide range of ambient light intensities along with high stability. Our findings pave the way for facile access to high performance DSCs and offer promising prospects for applications as power supply and battery replacement for low-power electronic devices18-20 that use ambient light as their energy source.
