ナノ磁石はワインを選ぶことができ、AIのエネルギーへの渇望を癒すことができる(Nanomagnets Can Choose a Wine, and Could Slake AI’s Thirst for Energy)


新しいタイプのニューラルネットワークが、仮想ワインテイスティングテストで成功を収め、エネルギー消費量の少ない人工知能を実現することを約束しました。 A new type of neural network aced a virtual wine-tasting test and promises a less energy-hungry version of artificial intelligence.

2022-07-18 アメリカ国立標準技術研究所(NIST)

米国国立標準技術研究所(NIST)の科学者とその共同研究者らは、より少ないエネルギーでより速く動作する可能性のあるAI用の新しいタイプのハードウェアを開発し、すでに仮想ワインテイスティングテストを通過させたことが、学術誌Physical Review Appliedに発表されました。


磁気トンネル接合パッシブアレイへのバイナリニューラルネットワークの実装 Implementation of a Binary Neural Network on a Passive Array of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

Jonathan M. Goodwill, Nitin Prasad, Brian D. Hoskins, Matthew W. Daniels, Advait Madhavan, Lei Wan, Tiffany S. Santos, Michael Tran, Jordan A. Katine, Patrick M. Braganca, Mark D. Stiles, and Jabez J. McClelland
Physical Review Applied  Published 18 July 2022

ナノ磁石はワインを選ぶことができ、AIのエネルギーへの渇望を癒すことができる(Nanomagnets Can Choose a Wine, and Could Slake AI’s Thirst for Energy)


The increasing scale of neural networks and their growing application space have produced demand for more energy- and memory-efficient artificial-intelligence-specific hardware. Avenues to mitigate the main issue, the von Neumann bottleneck, include in-memory and near-memory architectures, as well as algorithmic approaches. Here we leverage the low-power and the inherently binary operation of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) to demonstrate neural network hardware inference based on passive arrays of MTJs. In general, transferring a trained network model to hardware for inference is confronted by degradation in performance due to device-to-device variations, write errors, parasitic resistance, and nonidealities in the substrate. To quantify the effect of these hardware realities, we benchmark 300 unique weight matrix solutions of a two-layer perceptron to classify the Wine dataset for both classification accuracy and write fidelity. Despite device imperfections, we achieve software-equivalent accuracy of up to 95.3% with proper tuning of network parameters in 15 × 15 MTJ arrays having a range of device sizes. The success of this tuning process shows that new metrics are needed to characterize the performance and quality of networks reproduced in mixed signal hardware.
