ブラックホールに飲み込まれた星の運命(The ultimate fate of a star shredded by a black hole)


2022-07-11 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校(UCB)

ブラックホールに飲み込まれた星の運命(The ultimate fate of a star shredded by a black hole)
If a star (red trail) wanders too close to a black hole (left), it can be shredded, or spaghettified, by the intense gravity. Some of the star’s matter swirls around the black hole, like water down a drain, emitting copious X-rays (blue). Recent studies of these so-called tidal disruption events suggest that a significant fraction of the star’s gas is also blown outward by intense winds from the black hole, in some cases creating a cloud that obscures the accretion disk and the high-energy events happening within. (Image credit: NASA/CXC/M. Weiss)



潮汐破壊現象AT2019qizのスペクトロポラリメトリー:準球状再処理層 Spectropolarimetry of the tidal disruption event AT 2019qiz: a quasispherical reprocessing layer

Kishore C Patra, Wenbin Lu, Thomas G Brink, Yi Yang, Alexei V Filippenko, Sergiy S Vasylyev
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  Published:24 June 2022


We present optical spectropolarimetry of the tidal disruption event (TDE) AT 2019qiz on days +0 and +29 relative to maximum brightness. Continuum polarization, which informs the shape of the electron-scattering surface, was found to be consistent with 0 per cent at peak brightness. On day +29, the continuum polarization rose to ∼1 per cent, making this the first reported spectropolarimetric evolution of a TDE. These findings are incompatible with a naked eccentric disc that lacks significant mass outflow. Instead, the spectropolarimetry paints a picture wherein, at maximum brightness, high-frequency emission from the accretion disc is reprocessed into the optical band by a nearly spherical, optically thick, electron-scattering photosphere located far away from the black hole. We estimate the radius of the scattering photosphere to be ∼100au at maximum brightness — significantly larger than the tidal radius (⁠∼1au∼1au⁠) and the thermalisation radius (⁠∼30au∼30au⁠) where the optical continuum is formed. A month later, as the fallback rate drops and the scattering photosphere recedes, the continuum polarization increases, revealing a moderately aspherical interior. We also see evidence for smaller-scale density variations in the scattering photosphere, inferred from the scatter of the data in the Stokes qu plane. On day +29, the Hα emission-line peak is depolarized to ∼0.3 per cent (compared to ∼1 per cent continuum polarization), and displays a gradual rise toward the line’s redder wavelengths. This observation indicates the Hα line formed near the electron-scattering radius.
