ユーザー用心:大規模言語モデルによって生成されたニュースの検証(User beware:Bias of AI-generated content: an examination of news produced by large language models)


2024-04-09 デラウェア大学 (UD)

UDの研究者らは、AIチャットボットが人々の偏見を一部共有していることを見出した。特にChatGPTなどの言語モデルは、特定の人々に対して偏ったコンテンツを生成する傾向がある。彼らは、ReutersやThe New York Timesの記事と比較して、AIの生成する言語がより偏っていることを発見し、また感情の測定でもAIの言語が常により有害であることを見出した。彼らは今後、言語モデルから偏見を取り除く方法に焦点を当てる予定だ。


AIが生成したコンテンツのバイアス:大規模言語モデルによって生成されたニュースの検証 Bias of AI-generated content: an examination of news produced by large language models

Xiao Fang,Shangkun Che,Minjia Mao,Hongzhe Zhang,Ming Zhao & Xiaohang Zhao
Scientific Reports  Published:04 March 2024

figure 1


Large language models (LLMs) have the potential to transform our lives and work through the content they generate, known as AI-Generated Content (AIGC). To harness this transformation, we need to understand the limitations of LLMs. Here, we investigate the bias of AIGC produced by seven representative LLMs, including ChatGPT and LLaMA. We collect news articles from The New York Times and Reuters, both known for their dedication to provide unbiased news. We then apply each examined LLM to generate news content with headlines of these news articles as prompts, and evaluate the gender and racial biases of the AIGC produced by the LLM by comparing the AIGC and the original news articles. We further analyze the gender bias of each LLM under biased prompts by adding gender-biased messages to prompts constructed from these news headlines. Our study reveals that the AIGC produced by each examined LLM demonstrates substantial gender and racial biases. Moreover, the AIGC generated by each LLM exhibits notable discrimination against females and individuals of the Black race. Among the LLMs, the AIGC generated by ChatGPT demonstrates the lowest level of bias, and ChatGPT is the sole model capable of declining content generation when provided with biased prompts.

