天界も地球と同じように環境保護が必要(Heavens need environmental protection like Earth)


宇宙は、その壊れやすい環境を保護するために、陸、海、大気と同様の特別な法的保護を緊急に必要としている、と研究者は主張している。 Space urgently needs special legal protection similar to that given to land, sea and atmosphere to protect its fragile environment, a study argues.

2022-04-22 エディンバラ大学

Nature Astronomy誌に掲載されたこの論文は、宇宙はプロの天文学者、アマチュアのスターゲイザー、先住民のすべてにとって重要な環境であり、宇宙の科学的、経済的、文化的利益は、これらの有害な環境影響に対して慎重に検討されるべきであると論じている。


宇宙環境保護の事例 The case for space environmentalism

Andy Lawrence,Meredith L. Rawls,Moriba Jah,Aaron Boley,Federico Di Vruno,Simon Garrington,Michael Kramer,Samantha Lawler,James Lowenthal,Jonathan McDowell &Mark McCaughrean
Nature Astronomy  Published: 22 April 2022

天界も地球と同じように環境保護が必要(Heavens need environmental protection like Earth)


The shell bound by the Karman line at a height of ~80–100 km above the Earth’s surface and geosynchronous orbit at ~36,000 km is defined as the orbital space surrounding the Earth. It is within this region, and especially in low Earth orbit, where environmental issues are becoming urgent because of the rapid growth of the anthropogenic space object population, including satellite ‘mega-constellations’. In this Perspective, we summarize the case for considering the orbital space around the Earth as an additional ecosystem, subject to the same care and concerns, and the same broad regulations as the oceans and the atmosphere, for example. We rely on the orbital space environment by looking through it, as well as by working within it. Hence, we should consider damage to professional astronomy, public stargazing, and the cultural importance of the sky, as well as the sustainability of commercial, civic, and military activity in space. Damage to the orbital space environment has problematic features in common with other types of environmental issue. First, the observed and predicted damage is incremental and complex, with many contributors. Second, whether or not space is formally and legally seen as a global commons, the growing commercial exploitation of what may seem to be a ‘free’ resource is in fact externalizing the true costs.
