スマートフォンに監視されているのでは?(Concerned Your Smartphone Is Spying on You?)


コロンビアのコンピューター科学者が、不正なマイクがあなたの言葉を正しく聞き取れないようにするアルゴリズムを開発しました(これまでのところ、80%の確率で英語を聞き取っている) Columbia computer scientists have built an algorithm that blocks a rogue microphone from correctly hearing your words—in English so far—80% of the time

2022-04-18 コロンビア大学



リアルタイム・ニューラル・ボイス・カモフラージュ Real-Time Neural Voice Camouflage

Mia Chiquier, Chengzhi Mao, Carl Vondrick
Published:29 Sept 2021 (modified: 20 Feb 2022)

スマートフォンに監視されているのでは?(Concerned Your Smartphone Is Spying on You?)


Automatic speech recognition systems have created exciting possibilities for applications, however they also enable opportunities for systematic eavesdropping.We propose a method to camouflage a person’s voice from these systems without inconveniencing the conversation between people in the room. Standard adversarial attacks are not effective in real-time streaming situations because the characteristics of the signal will have changed by the time the attack is executed. We introduce predictive adversarial attacks, which achieves real-time performance by forecasting the attack vector that will be the most effective in the future. Under real-time constraints, our method jams the established speech recognition system DeepSpeech 3.9x more than online projected gradient descent as measured through word error rate, and 6.6x more as measured through character error rate. We furthermore demonstrate our approach is practically effective in realistic environments over physical distances.
