「フラストレーションのある」ナノ磁石が無秩序に自己を秩序化する(‘Frustrated’ nanomagnets order themselves through disorder)


エキゾチックな2次元物質の交互積層が、平衡状態にある磁石の構造体に「エントロピー駆動型秩序」を生み出す Interactions between alternating layers of exotic, 2D material create ‘entropy-driven order’ in a structured system of magnets at equilibrium

2022-04-08 アメリカ・ロスアラモス国立研究所(LANL)

・ロスアラモスの物理学者で、この研究に関する論文をNature Physicsに発表したクリスティアーノ・ニソリは、「逆説的ですが、システムはより無秩序になりたがっているから秩序化するのです」と述べている。Nature Physics誌に掲載された研究論文の共著者であるクリスティアーノ・ニソーリは「我々の研究は、平衡状態にある磁石の構造システムにおけるエントロピー駆動型の秩序を示しています。」


ナノ磁性体アレイのエントロピー駆動型秩序 Entropy-driven order in an array of nanomagnets

Hilal Saglam,Ayhan Duzgun,Aikaterini Kargioti,Nikhil Harle,Xiaoyu Zhang,Nicholas S. Bingham,Yuyang Lao,Ian Gilbert,Joseph Sklenar,Justin D. Watts,Justin Ramberger,Daniel Bromley,Rajesh V. Chopdekar,Liam O’Brien,Chris Leighton,Cristiano Nisoli &Peter Schiffer
Nature Physics Published: 07 April 2022

「フラストレーションのある」ナノ磁石が無秩序に自己を秩序化する(‘Frustrated’ nanomagnets order themselves through disorder)


Long-range ordering is typically associated with a decrease in entropy. Yet, it can also be driven by increasing entropy in certain special cases. Here we demonstrate that artificial spin-ice arrays of single-domain nanomagnets can be designed to produce such entropy-driven order. We focus on the tetris artificial spin-ice structure, a highly frustrated array geometry with a zero-point Pauling entropy, which is formed by selectively creating regular vacancies on the canonical square ice lattice. We probe thermally active tetris artificial spin ice both experimentally and through simulations, measuring the magnetic moments of the individual nanomagnets. We find two-dimensional magnetic ordering in one subset of these moments, which we demonstrate to be induced by disorder (that is, increased entropy) in another subset of the moments. In contrast with other entropy-driven systems, the discrete degrees of freedom in tetris artificial spin ice are binary and are both designable and directly observable at the microscale, and the entropy of the system is precisely calculable in simulations. This example, in which the system’s interactions and ground-state entropy are well defined, expands the experimental landscape for the study of entropy-driven ordering.
