PT対称性障害による同一モデルの連結(Connecting identical models via PT-symmetric disorder)


多自由度系での量子通信の可能性を探る研究者たち Researchers ponder the possibility of quantum communication in systems with many degrees of freedom

2022-03-24 大韓民国・基礎科学研究院(IBS)



PT対称Sachdev-Ye-Kitaevモデルにおけるレプリカ非対角配置の優勢と相転移 Dominance of Replica Off-Diagonal Configurations and Phase Transitions in a PT Symmetric Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model

Antonio M. García-García, Yiyang Jia (贾抑扬), Dario Rosa, and Jacobus J. M. Verbaarschot
Published 22 February 2022 DOI:


We show that, after ensemble averaging, the low temperature phase of a conjugate pair of uncoupled, quantum chaotic, non-Hermitian systems such as the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model or the Ginibre ensemble of random matrices is dominated by saddle points that couple replicas and conjugate replicas. This results in a nearly flat free energy that terminates in a first-order phase transition. In the case of the SYK model, we show explicitly that the spectrum of the effective replica theory has a gap. These features are strikingly similar to those induced by wormholes in the gravity path integral which suggests a close relation between both configurations. For a nonchaotic SYK, the results are qualitatively different: the spectrum is gapless in the low temperature phase and there is an infinite number of second order phase transitions unrelated to the restoration of replica symmetry.

Figure 1

The eigenvalue density, obtained from exact diagonalization, for one realization of the q=4k=1 non-Hermitian SYK model with N/2=30, compared to a circle (red curve).


Figure 2

The temperature dependence of the free energy of the non-Hermitian SYK model for N/2=30q=4, and k=1 (blue curve) compared to the analytical result (16). The value of E0 is the radius of the circle in Fig. 1.


Figure 3

Top: GLR(τ) from the solution of the Schwinger-Dyson equations for the SYK model (9) with q=4T=0.0005, and k=0.5 fitted by (17). Middle: the order parameter GLR(0), versus temperature for k=0.5. Bottom: the energy gap Eg for T=0.0005Tc as a function of k from the fit (17).


Figure 4

Derivative of the free energy for the non-Hermitian q=2k=1 SYK model. On the way to T=0, the system undergoes infinitely many second order phase transitions. For T>1/π, it becomes a constant which is a typical feature of free fermions.

