二酸化炭素のスペクトル解析で新しい惑星の大気の秘密を解明 (Spectra from a carbon dioxide world: Astronomers unlock the atmospheric secrets of a ‘new class of planet’)


2025-01-24 アリゾナ大学

アリゾナ大学の研究チームは、NASAのジェームズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡(JWST)を用いて、太陽系外惑星GJ 1214 bの大気組成を初めて明らかにしました。この惑星は、地球から約48光年離れた蛇遣い座に位置し、これまで大気の詳細は不明でした。JWSTの近赤外線分光器(NIRSpec)を使用した透過分光法により、GJ 1214 bの大気に二酸化炭素が存在することが確認されました。この発見は、GJ 1214 bが太陽系には存在しない新しいタイプの惑星である可能性を示唆しています。


JWSTパンクロマチック透過スペクトルから示唆されるGJ1214 bの厚いエアロゾル下の金属支配大気の可能性 A Possible Metal-dominated Atmosphere below the Thick Aerosols of GJ 1214 b Suggested by Its JWST Panchromatic Transmission Spectrum

Kazumasa Ohno, Everett Schlawin, Taylor J. Bell, Matthew M. Murphy, Thomas G. Beatty, Luis Welbanks, Thomas P. Greene, Jonathan J. Fortney, Vivien Parmentier, Isaac R. Edelman,…
The Astrophysical Journal Letters  Published: 2025 January 14

二酸化炭素のスペクトル解析で新しい惑星の大気の秘密を解明 (Spectra from a carbon dioxide world: Astronomers unlock the atmospheric secrets of a ‘new class of planet’)


GJ 1214b is the archetype sub-Neptune for which thick aerosols have prevented us from constraining its atmospheric properties for over a decade. In this study, we leverage the panchromatic transmission spectrum of GJ 1214b established by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and JWST to investigate its atmospheric properties using a suite of atmospheric radiative transfer, photochemistry, and aerosol microphysical models. We find that the combined HST, JWST/NIRSpec, and JWST/MIRI spectrum can be well explained by atmospheric models with an extremely high metallicity of [M/H] ∼ 3.5 and an extremely high haze production rate of Fhaze ∼ 10−8 to 10−7 g cm−2 s−1. Such high atmospheric metallicity is suggested by the relatively strong CO2 feature compared to the haze absorption feature or the CH4 feature in the NIRSpec-G395H bandpass of 2.5–5 μm. The flat 5–12 μm MIRI spectrum also suggests a small scale height with a high atmospheric metallicity that is needed to suppress a prominent  ∼6 μm haze feature. We tested the sensitivity of our interpretation to various assumptions for uncertain haze properties, such as optical constants and production rate, and all models tested here consistently suggest extremely high metallicity. Thus, we conclude that GJ 1214b likely has a metal-dominated atmosphere where hydrogen is no longer the main atmospheric constituent. We also find that different assumptions for the haze production rate lead to distinct inferences for the atmospheric C/O ratio. We stress the importance of high-precision follow-up observations to confirm the metal-dominated atmosphere, as it challenges the conventional understanding of interior structure and evolution of sub-Neptunes.


GJ 1214 bの厚いエアロゾルの上にある二酸化炭素の可能性 Possible Carbon Dioxide above the Thick Aerosols of GJ 1214 b

Everett Schlawin, Kazumasa Ohno, Taylor J. Bell, Matthew M. Murphy, Luis Welbanks, Thomas G. Beatty, Thomas P. Greene, Jonathan J. Fortney, Vivien Parmentier, Isaac R. Edelman,…
The Astrophysical Journal Letters  Published: 2024 October 16

Figure 1. Refer to the following caption and surrounding text.


Sub-Neptune planets with radii smaller than Neptune (3.9 R) are the most common type of planet known to exist in the Milky Way, even though they are absent in the solar system. These planets can potentially have a large diversity of compositions as a result of different mixtures of rocky material, icy material, and gas accreted from a protoplanetary disk. However, the bulk density of a sub-Neptune, informed by its mass and radius alone, cannot uniquely constrain its composition; atmospheric spectroscopy is necessary. GJ 1214 b, which hosts an atmosphere that is potentially the most favorable for spectroscopic detection of any sub-Neptune, is instead enshrouded in aerosols (thus showing no spectroscopic features), hiding its composition from view at previously observed wavelengths in its terminator. Here, we present a JWST NIRSpec transmission spectrum from 2.8 to 5.1 μm that shows signatures of CO2 and CH4, expected at high metallicity. A model containing both these molecules is preferred by 3.3σ and 3.6σ as compared to a featureless spectrum for two different data analysis pipelines, respectively. Given the low signal-to-noise of the features compared to the continuum, however, more observations are needed to confirm the CO2 and CH4 signatures and better constrain other diagnostic features in the near-infrared. Further modeling of the planet’s atmosphere, interior structure and origins will provide valuable insights about how sub-Neptunes like GJ 1214 b form and evolve.
