地球上の揮発性化学物質の起源が隕石から判明(Meteorites reveal likely origin of Earth’s volatile chemicals)


2023-01-27 インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン(ICL)

Image of Jupiter on its side surrounded by blackness
Many of Earth’s volatiles came from beyond Jupiter

◆Mark Rehkämper教授は、「この太陽系外縁部の物質の貢献は、地球の揮発性化学物質の在庫を確定する上で極めて重要な役割を果たしました。太陽系外物質の貢献がなければ、地球の揮発性化学物質の量は現在よりもずっと少なくなっていたでしょうし、地球を乾燥させ、生命を育み維持することができなくなる可能性もあります。
◆次に研究者たちは、41億年から30億年前に水を蓄えていた火星と月の岩石を分析する予定です。Mark Rehkämper教授は次のように語った。「月は、約45億年前に巨大な小惑星が誕生したばかりの地球に衝突してできたという説が有力です。月の岩石中の亜鉛同位体を分析することで、この仮説を検証し、衝突した小惑星が水を含む揮発性物質を地球に運ぶのに重要な役割を果たしたかどうかを判断することができます。”と述べています。


隕石中の亜鉛の核合成同位体異常が地球揮発性物質の起源を拘束する Nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies of zinc in meteorites constrain the origin of Earth’s volatiles

Rayssa Martins,Sven Kuthning,Barry J. Coles,Katharina Kreissig,Mark Rehkämper
Science  Published:26 Jan 2023
DOI: 10.1126/science.abn1021

Nucleosynthetic anomalies in meteorites

The origins of the material that accreted to form Earth can be constrained using meteorites that contain leftover material from planet formation. Nucleosynthetic anomalies are small differences in isotope ratios left by incomplete mixing of presolar material. They are already known for refractory elements, which condense into dust grains first, but it has been unclear whether more volatile elements were fully mixed before planet formation. In two complementary papers, Martins et al. and Nie et al. identified nucleosynthetic anomalies in the moderately volatile elements zinc and potassium, respectively. They used cosmochemical models to determine that about 90% of Earth’s mass was contributed by noncarbonaceous inner Solar System material, whereas about 10% came from carbonaceous outer Solar System material. The latter source contributed about 20% of Earth’s potassium and half of its zinc. —KTS


Material inherited from different nucleosynthesis sources imparts distinct isotopic signatures to meteorites and terrestrial planets. These nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies have been used to constrain the origins of material that formed Earth. However, anomalies have only been identified for elements with high condensation temperatures, leaving the origin of Earth’s volatile elements unconstrained. We determined the isotope composition of the moderately volatile element zinc in 18 bulk meteorites and identified nucleosynthetic zinc isotope anomalies. Using a mass-balance model, we find that carbonaceous bodies, which likely formed beyond the orbit of Jupiter, delivered about half of Earth’s zinc inventory. Combined with previous constraints obtained from studies of other elements, these results indicate that ~10% of Earth’s mass was provided by carbonaceous material.

