2025-03-24 産業技術総合研究所
- https://www.aist.go.jp/aist_j/press_release/pr2025/pr20250324_2/pr20250324_2.html
- https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.35848/1882-0786/adba3a
半インチH終端ダイヤモンドMOSFETチップのアンペア級ダブルパルス試験 Ampere-class double pulse testing of half-inch H-terminated diamond MOSFET chip
Keita Takaesu, Daisuke Sano, Iku Ota, Keiko Otsuka, Daisuke Takeuchi, Toshiharu Makino and Hitoshi Umezawa
Applied Physics Express Published: 10 March 2025
400 metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) were fabricated on a half-inch diamond substrate. The performance of each device was evaluated, and an H-terminated diamond MOSFET chip was created by connecting over 300 of the well performing MOSFETs in parallel, resulting in a gate width of 32 cm. This chip was used for double pulse testing, with its switching characteristics being evaluated at 2.5 A. The results show a fall/rise time of 19/32 ns, respectively, and switching losses during turn-off/turn-on of 4.65/1.24 μJ. This study demonstrated switching operation at large currents in diamond power MOSFETs.