巣から発見されたペット処理剤による鳥類の死亡率上昇(Bird mortality rates rising due to pet treatment chemicals found in nests)


2025-01-27 サセックス大学

サセックス大学の研究チームは、ペットのノミ・ダニ駆除薬に含まれる化学物質が野生の鳥の巣から検出され、これがヒナの死亡率増加と関連していることを発見しました。 特に、フィプロニルやイミダクロプリドなどのネオニコチノイド系殺虫剤が巣材から検出され、これらの化学物質が鳥類の神経系に悪影響を及ぼす可能性が示唆されています。研究者たちは、ペット用殺虫剤の使用が環境中の非標的生物に及ぼす影響を再評価し、より安全な代替品の開発や使用の推進が必要であると提言しています。


鳥の巣に動物用医薬品が多く検出される High prevalence of veterinary drugs in bird’s nests

Cannelle Tassin de Montaigu, Gaetan Glauser, Sylvie Guinchard, Dave Goulson
Science of The Total Environment  Available online: 27 January 2025

Graphical abstract

巣から発見されたペット処理剤による鳥類の死亡率上昇(Bird mortality rates rising due to pet treatment chemicals found in nests)


  • Fur-lined nests potentially expose birds like blue and great tit to harmful chemicals.
  • All 103 nests tested contained fipronil and most also contained imidacloprid and permethrin.
  • The most common insecticides in bird nests are used as veterinary drugs.
  • Higher insecticide levels were linked to increased offspring mortality.
  • Thorough Environmental Risk Assessment of veterinary treatments is lacking.


The environmental impact of insecticides used as ectoparasitic treatments for companion animals is not well understood, since they are not subject to detailed environmental risk assessment. Many of these treatments include active ingredients such as fipronil and imidacloprid that are banned from agricultural use in the EU. These treatments are applied topically and can remain on the animal’s fur for an extended period of time. Birds (adults, eggs, and nestlings) using fur as an inner layer for their nests have the potential of being exposed dermally to these chemicals. In this study, we collected 103 nests from blue and great tits, which were lined with fur. Using UHPLC-MS/MS, we detected 17 out of the 20 insecticides we screened for, with the number of insecticides detected per nest ranging from 2 to 11. Fipronil, imidacloprid, and permethrin were detected in 100 %, 89.1 %, and 89.1 % of samples, respectively. The average concentration of fipronil, imidacloprid and permethrin were respectively 115.5 ppb, 376.3 ppb, and 231.1 ppb. Dinotefuran was found at the highest concentration of 7198 ppb in a single sample. Overall, a higher number of either dead offspring or unhatched eggs was found in nests containing a higher number of insecticides, higher total concentration of insecticides or a higher concentration of fipronil, imidacloprid or permethrin, suggesting that contact exposure of eggs to insecticides in nest lining may lead to mortality and lower reproductive success. This highlights the need for a re-evaluation of the environmental risks associated with use of these potent and persistent insecticides on companion animals.
