熱帯低気圧の画期的な合成データベースを開発(Researchers Develop Groundbreaking Synthetic Database of Tropical Cyclone Events)


2024-03-12 パシフィック・ノースウェスト国立研究所(PNNL)



北大西洋の低気圧・サイクロンの進路・強度・降水量のデータセット A North Atlantic synthetic tropical cyclone track, intensity, and rainfall dataset

Wenwei Xu,Karthik Balaguru,David R. Judi,Julian Rice,L. Ruby Leung & Serena Lipari
Scientific Data  Published:25 January 2024

熱帯低気圧の画期的な合成データベースを開発(Researchers Develop Groundbreaking Synthetic Database of Tropical Cyclone Events)


Tropical Cyclones (TCs) cause significant socio-economic damages to the US and Caribbean coastal regions annually, making it important to understand TC risk at the local-to-regional scales. However, the short length of the observed record and the substantial computational expense associated with high-resolution climate models make it difficult to assess TC risk using either approach. To overcome these challenges, we developed a database of synthetic TCs using the Risk Analysis Framework for Tropical Cyclones (RAFT). The database includes 40,000 synthetic TC tracks, along-track intensities and storm-induced precipitation. TC tracks generated in RAFT are in reasonable agreement with the observed spatial distribution of TC tracks and basin-scale TC statistics. Specifically along the coast, spatial variations in TC crossing probability and extreme winds upon landfall are well-reproduced by RAFT with R-squared values of 0.81 and 0.73, respectively. In summary, the synthetic TC database constructed with RAFT provides a reasonable pathway for the robust assessment of North Atlantic TC wind and rainfall risks.
