木材製品の改良が温室効果ガス削減の鍵になる可能性(Improving Wood Products Could Be a Key to Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions)


2024-03-07 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)

NC Stateの研究者による新しい研究によれば、木製品が収穫後も二酸化炭素を貯蔵する能力を活用することが、温室効果ガス排出に大きな影響を与え、一般的に受け入れられている林業の実践を変える可能性があります。この研究では、木製品に貯蔵された炭素とそれらの製品の元になった森林システムをリンクするために炭素貯蔵モデリングを使用しました。南部のロブロリパイン植林からの炭素を追跡することで、研究は炭素貯蔵を改善し、温室効果ガス排出を削減するために重要な木製品を特定しました。


米国南部のマツ植林地における木材製品の炭素フローをモデル化:炭素貯蔵への影響 Modeling wood product carbon flows in southern us pine plantations: implications for carbon storage

Sarah J. Puls,Rachel L. Cook,Justin S. Baker,James L. Rakestraw & Andrew Trlica
Carbon Balance and Management  Published:21 February 2024

木材製品の改良が温室効果ガス削減の鍵になる可能性(Improving Wood Products Could Be a Key to Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions)


Wood products continue to store carbon sequestered in forests after harvest and therefore play an important role in the total carbon storage associated with the forest sector. Trade-offs between carbon sequestration/storage in wood product pools and managed forest systems exist, and in order for forest sector carbon modeling to be meaningful, it must link wood product carbon with the specific forest system from which the products originate and have the ability to incorporate in situ and ex situ carbon synchronously over time.

This study uses elements of a life cycle assessment approach, tracing carbon from US southern pine timber harvests to emission, to create a decision support tool that practitioners can use to inform policy design around land- and bioproduct-based mitigation strategies. We estimate that wood products from annual loblolly and shortleaf pine timber harvests across the southern US store 29.7 MtC in the year they enter the market, and 11.4 MtC remain stored after 120 years. We estimate fossil fuel emissions from the procurement, transportation, and manufacturing of these wood products to be 43.3 MtCO2e year−1. We found that composite logs, used to manufacture oriented strand board (OSB), were the most efficient log type for storing carbon, storing around 1.8 times as much carbon as saw logs per tonne of log over 120 years.

Results from our analysis suggest that adjusting rotation length based on individual site productivity, reducing methane emissions from landfills, and extending the storage of carbon in key products, such as corrugated boxes, through longer lifespans, higher recycling rates, and less landfill decomposition could result in significant carbon gains. Our results also highlight the benefits of high site productivity to store more carbon in both in situ and ex situ pools and suggest that shorter rotations could be used to optimize carbon storage on sites when productivity is high.
