氷床表面の融解はグリーンランドで加速し、南極では減速している(Ice sheet surface melt is accelerating in Greenland and slowing in Antarctica)


2023-10-16 カリフォルニア大学校アーバイン校(UCI)



グリーンランドと南極の氷床における風による融解の傾向とコントラスト Wind-Associated Melt Trends and Contrasts Between the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets

Matthew K. Laffin, Charles S. Zender, Melchior van Wessem, Brice Noël, Wenshan Wang
Geophysical Research Letters  Published: 29 August 2023

Details are in the caption following the image



Föhn and katabatic winds (downslope winds) can increase ice sheet surface melt, run-off, and ice-shelf vulnerability to hydrofracture and are poorly constrained on the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (GIS and AIS). We use regional climate model simulations of the GIS and AIS to quantify and intercompare trends in downslope winds and associated melt since 1960. Results reveal surface melt associated with downslope wind is significant on both the GIS and AIS representing 27.5 ± 4.5% and 19.7 ± 3.8% of total surface melt respectively. Wind-associated melt has decreased 31.8 ± 5.3% on the AIS while total melt decreased 15.4 ± 2.4% due to decreased föhn-induced melt on the Antarctic Peninsula and increasing stratospheric ozone. Wind-associated melt has increased 10.3 ± 2.5% on the GIS, combining with a more positive North Atlantic Oscillation and warmer surface to increase total melt 34 ± 5.8%.

Key Points

  • Föhn and katabatic winds (downslope winds) and associated surface melt are prominent features on the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets
  • Surface melt trends associated with downslope winds have increased on the Greenland ice sheet and decreased on the Antarctic ice sheet

Plain Language Summary

Föhn and katabatic winds (wind that travels downslope) can increase ice sheet surface melt that increases sea levels and ice-shelf vulnerability. We use regional climate model simulations of the Greenland and Antarctic (GIS and AIS) to identify trends in downslope winds and associated melt since 1960. Results reveal surface melt associated with downslope winds is significant on both the GIS and AIS representing 27.5 ± 4.5% and 19.7 ± 3.8% of total surface melt respectively. Wind-associated melt has decreased 31.8 ± 5.3% on the AIS while total melt has decreased 15.4 ± 2.4% due to decreased föhn-induced melt on the Antarctic Peninsula and increasing stratospheric ozone that decreases sunlight at the surface. Wind-associated melt has increased 10.3 ± 2.5% on the GIS, combining with warmer surface temperatures to increase total melt 34 ± 5.8%.

