天文学者、恒星の周りに渦巻き腕の原因となるとらえどころのない惑星を発見(Astronomers discover elusive planet responsible for spiral arms around its star)


2023-07-06 アリゾナ大学

◆天の川銀河の描写と同様の螺旋模様が、若い星の周りのガスと塵の雲にも観測されます。これらの原始惑星円盤は、若い惑星の誕生地であり、惑星形成のプロセスを理解する上で重要です。しかし、これまで螺旋腕を引き起こす原因となる惑星は検出されていませんでした。しかし、アリゾナ大学の研究者は、MWC 758cという巨大な系外惑星の発見を報告しました。


MWC758の渦状腕を駆動する巨大な原始惑星の直接画像と分光 Direct images and spectroscopy of a giant protoplanet driving spiral arms in MWC 758

Kevin Wagner,Jordan Stone,Andrew Skemer,Steve Ertel,Ruobing Dong,Dániel Apai,Eckhart Spalding,Jarron Leisenring,Michael Sitko,Kaitlin Kratter,Travis Barman,Mark Marley,Brittany Miles,Anthony Boccaletti,Korash Assani,Ammar Bayyari,Taichi Uyama,Charles E. Woodward,Phil Hinz,Zackery Briesemeister,Kellen Lawson,François Ménard,Eric Pantin,Ray W. Russell,Michael Skrutskie & John Wisniewski
Nature Astronomy  Published:06 July 2023

extended data figure 1


Understanding the driving forces behind spiral arms in protoplanetary disks remains a challenge due to the faintness of young giant planets. MWC 758 hosts such a protoplanetary disk with a two-armed spiral pattern that is suggested to be driven by an external giant planet. We present observations in the thermal infrared that are uniquely sensitive to redder (that is, colder, or more attenuated) planets than past observations at shorter wavelengths. We detect a giant protoplanet, MWC 758c, at a projected separation of roughly 100 au from the star. The spectrum of MWC 758c is distinct from the rest of the disk and consistent with emission from a planetary atmosphere with Teff = 500 ± 100 K for a low level of extinction (AV ≤ 30), or a hotter object with a higher level of extinction. Both scenarios are commensurate with the predicted properties of the companion responsible for driving the spiral arms. MWC 758c provides evidence that spiral arms in protoplanetary disks can be caused by cold giant planets or by those whose optical emission is highly attenuated. MWC 758c stands out both as one of the youngest giant planets known, and as one of the coldest and/or most attenuated. Furthermore, MWC 758c is among the first planets to be observed within a system hosting a protoplanetary disk.

