オキアミの泳ぎ方をエミュレートして海洋航行用ロボットプラットフォームを構築(Emulating how krill swim to build a robotic platform for ocean navigation)


2023-06-26 ブラウン大学



Pleobot:メタクロナル・スイミングのためのモジュール式ロボット・ソリューション Pleobot: a modular robotic solution for metachronal swimming

Sara Oliveira Santos,Nils Tack,Yunxing Su,Francisco Cuenca-Jiménez,Oscar Morales-Lopez,P. Antonio Gomez-Valdez & Monica M. Wilhelmus
Scientific Reports  Published:13 June 2023

オキアミの泳ぎ方をエミュレートして海洋航行用ロボットプラットフォームを構築(Emulating how krill swim to build a robotic platform for ocean navigation)


Metachronal propulsion is widespread in aquatic swarming organisms to achieve performance and maneuverability at intermediate Reynolds numbers. Studying only live organisms limits our understanding of the mechanisms driving these abilities. Thus, we present the design, manufacture, and validation of the Pleobot—a unique krill-inspired robotic swimming appendage constituting the first platform to study metachronal propulsion comprehensively. We combine a multi-link 3D printed mechanism with active and passive actuation of the joints to generate natural kinematics. Using force and fluid flow measurements in parallel with biological data, we show the link between the flow around the appendage and thrust. Further, we provide the first account of a leading-edge suction effect contributing to lift during the power stroke. The repeatability and modularity of the Pleobot enable the independent manipulation of particular motions and traits to test hypotheses central to understanding the relationship between form and function. Lastly, we outline future directions for the Pleobot, including adapting morphological features. We foresee a broad appeal to a wide array of scientific disciplines, from fundamental studies in ecology, biology, and engineering, to developing new bio-inspired platforms for studying oceans across the solar system.
