新しい小さな原子ビーム時計は、GPSが届かない場所に安定したタイミングをもたらす可能性がある(New Tiny Atomic Beam Clock Could Bring Stable Timing to Places GPS Can’t Reach)


2023-06-21 米国国立標準技術研究所(NIST)



チップスケールの原子ビーム時計 A chip-scale atomic beam clock

Gabriela D. Martinez,Chao Li,Alexander Staron,John Kitching,Chandra Raman & William R. McGehee
Nature Communications  Published:13 June 2023

新しい小さな原子ビーム時計は、GPSが届かない場所に安定したタイミングをもたらす可能性がある(New Tiny Atomic Beam Clock Could Bring Stable Timing to Places GPS Can’t Reach)


Atomic beams are a longstanding technology for atom-based sensors and clocks with widespread use in commercial frequency standards. Here, we report the demonstration of a chip-scale microwave atomic beam clock using coherent population trapping (CPT) interrogation in a passively pumped atomic beam device. The beam device consists of a hermetically sealed vacuum cell fabricated from an anodically bonded stack of glass and Si wafers in which lithographically defined capillaries produce Rb atomic beams and passive pumps maintain the vacuum environment. A prototype chip-scale clock is realized using Ramsey CPT spectroscopy of the atomic beam over a 10 mm distance and demonstrates a fractional frequency stability of ≈1.2 × 10−9/√τ for integration times, τ, from 1 s to 250 s, limited by detection noise. Optimized atomic beam clocks based on this approach may exceed the long-term stability of existing chip-scale clocks, and leading long-term systematics are predicted to limit the ultimate fractional frequency stability below 10−12.
