EPFLの研究者は、ハーバード大学およびチューリッヒ工科大学の研究者と共同で、レーザービームに接続すると、細かく調整可能なテラヘルツ波が発生する新しい薄膜回路を開発しました。このデバイスは、光学および電気通信の分野での応用の可能性を広げるものです。 EPFL researchers have collaborated with those at Harvard and ETH Zurich on a new thin-film circuit that, when connected to a laser beam, produces finely tailorable terahertz-frequency waves. The device opens up a world of potential applications in optics and telecommunications.
2023-01-12 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)
HYLABの研究者とチューリッヒ工科大学およびハーバード大学の研究者らは、ニオブ酸リチウム製のフォトニック回路を集積した極薄チップにより、テラヘルツ波の発生だけでなく、その周波数、波長、振幅、位相をカスタムメイドするソリューションを開発することに成功した。このようにテラヘルツ波を精密に制御することで、電子・光学の両分野で次世代アプリケーションに活用できる可能性がある。この成果は、『Nature Communications』誌に掲載されました。
- https://actu.epfl.ch/news/integrated-photonic-circuits-could-help-close-the-/
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-35517-6
薄膜ニオブ酸リチウム集積化プラットフォームにおけるテラヘルツ波形の合成 Terahertz waveform synthesis in integrated thin-film lithium niobate platform
Alexa Herter,Amirhassan Shams-Ansari,Francesca Fabiana Settembrini,Hana K. Warner,Jérôme Faist,Marko Lončar & Ileana-Cristina Benea-Chelmus
Nature Communications Published:04 January 2023
Bridging the “terahertz gap“ relies upon synthesizing arbitrary waveforms in the terahertz domain enabling applications that require both narrow band sources for sensing and few-cycle drives for classical and quantum objects. However, realization of custom-tailored waveforms needed for these applications is currently hindered due to limited flexibility for optical rectification of femtosecond pulses in bulk crystals. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that thin-film lithium niobate circuits provide a versatile solution for such waveform synthesis by combining the merits of complex integrated architectures, low-loss distribution of pump pulses on-chip, and an efficient optical rectification. Our distributed pulse phase-matching scheme grants shaping the temporal, spectral, phase, amplitude, and farfield characteristics of the emitted terahertz field through designer on-chip components. This strictly circumvents prior limitations caused by the phase-delay mismatch in conventional systems and relaxes the requirement for cumbersome spectral pre-engineering of the pumping light. We propose a toolbox of basic blocks that produce broadband emission up to 680 GHz and far-field amplitudes of a few V m−1 with adaptable phase and coherence properties by using near-infrared pump pulse energies below 100 pJ.