火山リスクエリアはこれまで考えられていたよりも広い可能性、UB主導のデスバレーでの研究が示唆(Volcanic risk areas may be larger than previously thought, UB-led research in Death Valley suggests)


UB の地質学者 Greg Valentine 氏が率いる研究の結果は、人命とインフラの保護に役立つ政策変更につながる可能性があります。 Findings from a study, led by UB geologist Greg Valentine, could lead to policy changes that help save lives and infrastructure

2023-01-06 バッファロー大学(UB)

 バッファロー大学の地質学者Greg A. Valentineが主導する火山噴火の潜在的範囲に関する研究は、噴火の可能性がある地域の危険性評価の方法に大きな影響を与える可能性があります。Valentineが率いる研究は、火山噴火の潜在的な範囲に関するもので、噴火の可能性が高い地域での危険度評価の実施方法に大きな影響を与える可能性があります。
この研究「Lateral Extent of Pyroclastic Surge Deposits at Ubehebe Crater (Death Valley, California) and Implications for Hazards in Monogenetic Volcanic Fields」は、10月にアメリカ地球物理学連合のGeophysical Research Lettersにオンラインで発表されました。


ウベヘベ火口(カリフォルニア州デスバレー)における火砕サージ堆積物の横方向の広がりと単成火山地帯のハザードへの示唆。 Lateral Extent of Pyroclastic Surge Deposits at Ubehebe Crater (Death Valley, California) and Implications for Hazards in Monogenetic Volcanic Fields

Greg A. Valentine, Judy Fierstein, James D. L. White
Geophysical Research Letters  Published: 21 October 2022


Hazard assessments in monogenetic volcanic fields require estimates of the runout of pyroclastic surges that result from phreatomagmatic explosive activity. Previous assessments used runout distances of 1–4 km, with large cases up to 6 km. Surge deposits at Ubehebe Crater (∼2100 y.b.p., Death Valley, California) have been traced ∼9 km from the crater center, and likely originally extended 1–3 km farther. There is no evidence that the Ubehebe Crater activity was unusually energetic; rather, its distal deposits are better preserved than those at most maar volcanoes because of its young age and the arid environment. Numerical simulations illustrate how low temperatures facilitate long runout of phreatomagmatic surges due to reduced expansion of entrained air compared to hot surges, allowing cool surges to retain higher densities than ambient air. We suggest that hazard assessments for volcanic fields with phreatomagmatic, maar-forming eruptions should consider runout distances in the range of 10–15 km.

Key Points

  • Hazard assessments in monogenetic volcanic fields have considered pyroclastic surge runout up to 6 km based upon preserved deposits of previous eruptions
  • Surge deposits from Ubehebe Crater extend to 9 km; this may not be unusual and such surges may have long runout facilitated by their low temperatures
  • We suggest that future hazard assessments in monogenetic volcanic fields consider pyroclastic surge runout up to 10–15 km

Plain Language Summary

Assessments of volcanic hazards in areas prone to small-volume basaltic volcanoes includes consideration of the lateral extent of devastating pyroclastic surges from eruptions that are caused by magma-water explosions. Previous assessments considered surge distances up to 6 km, but the deposits from Ubehebe Crater (Death Valley, California, USA) have been traced to 9 km and likely originally extended farther. This was not an unusual eruption, but its deposits are exceptionally preserved due to the arid environment. Pyroclastic surges from magma-water explosions are likely to be cooler than other volcanic flows, and this facilitates long travel distances and hence far-reaching potential impacts if the area is inhabited. We suggest that future assessments should consider pyroclastic surge distances of 10–15 km from the vent.

