2022-10-05 ピッツバーグ大学
- https://news.engineering.pitt.edu/the-cellular-network/
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2590238522003988
化学振動する可動式カプセルの実物大の挙動 Lifelike behavior of chemically oscillating mobile capsules
Oleg E.Shklyaev,Anna C.Balazs
Matter Published: July 20, 2022
- •Dynamics of mobile catalytic capsules in solution can mimic the behavior of protocells
- •Chemical reaction networks enable the exchange of signals between separate capsules
- •Chemical heterogeneities in fluids enable aggregation of capsules into mobile colonies
- •Reconfigurable clusters produce lifelike collective chemo-mechanical oscillations
Progress and Potential
Growth in the complexity of biological systems typically involves the aggregation of basic structural units into stable colonies and communication among the units to develop collective responses. The evolution of early cells into multicellular organisms was potentially facilitated by simple physicochemical processes in solution, which simultaneously promoted aggregation and communication. We model such synergistic behavior in a system of synthetic microcapsules. Analogous to the cell, communication among the capsules occurs through the exchange of signaling chemicals and development of local chemical gradients that drive fluid flows. The induced flows in turn can transport and assemble capsules into large colonies. Demonstrating this interdependence between aggregation and communication provides new insights into the role of the chemical networks in the evolution of early cellular assemblies and yields new guidelines for designing synthetic active matter with lifelike properties.
Inspired by the self-organization of unicellular species into multicellular organisms, we use theory and simulation to design a system of mobile, active microcapsules that produce chemicals according to a catalytic reaction network (CRN). In solution, the catalytic reactions generate a force that drives the flow of the surrounding fluid. The convective flow, in turn, transports the capsules to new chemical surroundings with each successive translation. Consequently, the chemical signal produced by a cluster of capsules is critically dependent on the proximity and spatial configuration of the neighboring capsules. If all of the capsules and chemical products involved in the CRN lie within sufficient proximity, then the system develops oscillatory behavior that drives the dynamic self-assembly of capsules into larger clusters that are capable of collective action. These simulations indicate potential chemo-mechanic mechanisms that enable single cellular units, such as ameba, to organize into multicellular life forms.