数世紀前から伝わる民族楽器を数学的に解明、センシングやエレクトロニクスなどの高品質な共振器への道を拓くInsights on centuries-old folk instrument is underpinned by a mathematical principle that may pave the way for high-quality resonators for sensing, electronics and more
2022-04-22 ハーバード大学
The researchers clamped the saw in two configurations: a J shape (left) and an S shape (right). The S shape has an inflection point (the sweet spot) in its profile, while J shape doesn’t/ (Credit: Mahadevan Lab/Harvard SEAS)
- https://www.seas.harvard.edu/news/2022/04/physics-singing-saw
- https://www.pnas.org/eprint/PXCVQBKH8K8BXTIZSTJ2/full
シンギングソーにおけるトポロジカルダイナミクスの幾何学的制御 Geometric control of topological dynamics in a singing saw
Suraj Shankar, Petur Bryde, and L. Mahadevan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Published:April 21, 2022
The common handsaw can be converted into a bowed musical instrument capable of producing exquisitely sustained notes when its blade is appropriately bent. Acoustic modes localized at an inflection point are known to underlie the saw’s sonorous quality, yet the origin of localization has remained mysterious. Here we uncover a topological basis for the existence of localized modes that relies on and is protected by spatial curvature. By combining experimental demonstrations, theory, and computation, we show how spatial variations in blade curvature control the localization of these trapped states, allowing the saw to function as a geometrically tunable high-quality oscillator. Our work establishes an unexpected connection between the dynamics of thin shells and topological insulators and offers a robust principle to design high-quality resonators across scales, from macroscopic instruments to nanoscale devices, simply through geometry.