奇妙な金属の発見が持続可能な超伝導体への道を開く(Strange metal discovery paves way for sustainable superconductors)


2023-12-11 チャルマース工科大学

◆スウェーデンのChalmers工科大学、イタリアのPolitecnico di Milano、ローマのSapienza大学の研究者らが、数十年にわたり解明が難しいとされてきた高温超伝導体「カペート」の謎の一端を解明し、これが超伝導研究を進展させ、より環境に優しい未来への道を拓く可能性があると発表しました。通常の超伝導体が摂氏-269度でしか機能しないのに対し、カペートは摂氏-140度で電気をゼロ抵抗で伝える特異な銅酸化物材料であり、これまでその電気抵抗の温度変化が通常の金属と異なることは知られていましたが、その理由は不明でした。


電荷密度ゆらぎによる銅酸化物の量子臨界のサイン Signature of quantum criticality in cuprates by charge density fluctuations

Riccardo Arpaia,Leonardo Martinelli,Marco Moretti Sala,Sergio Caprara,Abhishek Nag,Nicholas B. Brookes,Pietro Camisa,Qizhi Li,Qiang Gao,Xingjiang Zhou,Mirian Garcia-Fernandez,Ke-Jin Zhou,Enrico Schierle,Thilo Bauch,Ying Ying Peng,Carlo Di Castro,Marco Grilli,Floriana Lombardi,Lucio Braicovich & Giacomo Ghiringhelli
Nature Communications  Published:08 November 2023

figure 1


The universality of the strange metal phase in many quantum materials is often attributed to the presence of a quantum critical point (QCP), a zero-temperature phase transition ruled by quantum fluctuations. In cuprates, where superconductivity hinders direct QCP observation, indirect evidence comes from the identification of fluctuations compatible with the strange metal phase. Here we show that the recently discovered charge density fluctuations (CDF) possess the right properties to be associated to a quantum phase transition. Using resonant x-ray scattering, we studied the CDF in two families of cuprate superconductors across a wide doping range (up to p = 0.22). At p* ≈ 0.19, the putative QCP, the CDF intensity peaks, and the characteristic energy Δ is minimum, marking a wedge-shaped region in the phase diagram indicative of a quantum critical behavior, albeit with anomalies. These findings strengthen the role of charge order in explaining strange metal phenomenology and provide insights into high-temperature superconductivity.

