カオスとサーマライゼーションを分類する新しいフレームワーク(Novel framework for classifying chaos and thermalization)


時間・長さスケールに関係する新しいカオス性の観測が熱化の破綻を説明する Observation of new chaoticity related time and length scales explains the breakdown of thermalization

2022-04-05 大韓民国・基礎科学研究院(IBS)



可積分性に近い古典的多体系力学に対するリアプノフ・スペクトル・スケーリング Lyapunov Spectrum Scaling for Classical Many-Body Dynamics Close to Integrability

Merab Malishava and Sergej Flach
Physical Review Letters Published 31 March 2022

カオスとサーマライゼーションを分類する新しいフレームワーク(Novel framework for classifying chaos and thermalization)


We propose a novel framework to characterize the thermalization of many-body dynamical systems close to integrable limits using the scaling properties of the full Lyapunov spectrum. We use a classical unitary map model to investigate macroscopic weakly nonintegrable dynamics beyond the limits set by the KAM regime. We perform our analysis in two fundamentally distinct long-range and short-range integrable limits which stem from the type of nonintegrable perturbations. Long-range limits result in a single parameter scaling of the Lyapunov spectrum, with the inverse largest Lyapunov exponent being the only diverging control parameter and the rescaled spectrum approaching an analytical function. Short-range limits result in a dramatic slowing down of thermalization which manifests through the rescaled Lyapunov spectrum approaching a non-analytic function. An additional diverging length scale controls the exponential suppression of all Lyapunov exponents relative to the largest one.
