

(Credit card-sized soft pumps power wearable artificial muscles)

2021/2/17 英国・ブリストル大学

・ ブリストル大学が、ソフトロボティクスに向けた低コスト、フレキシブル、軽量な電空ポンプによるパワーシステムを開発。
・ ソフトロボットにも使用される伸縮性の材料で作製した従来の空気圧式人工筋肉では、モーター駆動による電磁ポンプを電源とするが、大型のサイズ、ノイズ、複雑性や高コストの課題がある。
・ 新電空ポンプは、クレジットカードほどのサイズで空気式人工筋肉に電力を供給する。身体的な障害や加齢に伴う筋肉変性を支援するウェアラブルな補助装置の実現の可能性が期待できる。
・ 同電空ポンプのさらなる小型化と効率化を進め、商業化に向けてパートナーを探している。
URL: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/news/2021/february/robotic-clothing-.html



Science Robotics 掲載論文(アブストラクトのみ:全文は有料)
Electro-pneumatic pumps for soft robotics
URL: https://robotics.sciencemag.org/content/6/51/eabc3721


Soft robotics has applications in myriad fields from assistive wearables to autonomous exploration. Now, the portability and the performance of many devices are limited by their associated pneumatic energy source, requiring either large, heavy pressure vessels or noisy, inefficient air pumps. Here, we present a lightweight, flexible, electro-pneumatic pump (EPP), which can silently control volume and pressure, enabling portable, local energy provision for soft robots, overcoming the limitations of existing pneumatic power sources. The EPP is actuated using dielectric fluid–amplified electrostatic zipping, and the device presented here can exert pressures up to 2.34 kilopascals and deliver volumetric flow rates up to 161 milliliters per minute and under 0.5 watts of power, despite only having a thickness of 1.1 millimeters and weight of 5.3 grams. An EPP was able to drive a typical soft robotic actuator to achieve a maximum contraction change of 32.40% and actuation velocity of 54.43% per second. We highlight the versatility of this technology by presenting three EPP-driven embodiments: an antagonistic mechanism, an arm-flexing wearable robotic device, and a continuous-pumping system. This work shows the wide applicability of the EPP to enable advanced wearable assistive devices and lightweight, mobile, multifunctional robots.

