1997年以降、南極の棚氷が甚大な被害を受ける(Huge losses from Antarctica’s ice shelves since 1997)


2023-10-13 エディンバラ大学

◆氷床の縮小により、海洋への氷の流れが増加し、この「プラグ効果」が弱まりました。これは、人為的な地球温暖化が氷の損失の主要要因である可能性が高いと研究チームは述べています。また、氷床の崩壊は海面上昇によって世界中の低地のコミュニティに影響を及ぼす可能性があり、氷床の失われたり縮小したりすることが、世界の海洋循環システムに連鎖的な影響を及ぼす可能性もあると指摘されています。この研究は、Science Advances誌に掲載されました。


1997年から2021年までの南極の棚氷の年間質量変化 Annual mass budget of Antarctic ice shelves from 1997 to 2021算

Benjamin J. Davison,Anna E. Hogg,Noel Gourmelen,Livia Jakob,Jan Wuite,Thomas Nagler,Chad A. Greene,Julia Andreasen,and Marcus E. Engdahl
Science Advances  Published:12 Oct 2023

1997年以降、南極の棚氷が甚大な被害を受ける(Huge losses from Antarctica’s ice shelves since 1997)


Antarctic ice shelves moderate the contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to global sea level rise; however, ice shelf health remains poorly constrained. Here, we present the annual mass budget of all Antarctic ice shelves from 1997 to 2021. Out of 162 ice shelves, 71 lost mass, 29 gained mass, and 62 did not change mass significantly. Of the shelves that lost mass, 68 had statistically significant negative mass trends, 48 lost more than 30% of their initial mass, and basal melting was the dominant contributor to that mass loss at a majority (68%). At many ice shelves, mass losses due to basal melting or iceberg calving were significantly positively correlated with grounding line discharge anomalies; however, the strength and form of this relationship varied substantially between ice shelves. Our results illustrate the utility of partitioning high-resolution ice shelf mass balance observations into its components to quantify the contributors to ice shelf mass change and the response of grounded ice.
