量子コンピューターのエラーを消去する新しい方法(A New Way to Erase Quantum Computer Errors)


2023-10-11 カリフォルニア工科大学(Caltech)



高忠実度リュードベリ量子シミュレータにおける消去変換 Erasure conversion in a high-fidelity Rydberg quantum simulator

Pascal Scholl,Adam L. Shaw,Richard Bing-Shiun Tsai,Ran Finkelstein,Joonhee Choi & Manuel Endres
Nature  Published:11 October 2023

量子コンピューターのエラーを消去する新しい方法(A New Way to Erase Quantum Computer Errors)


Minimizing and understanding errors is critical for quantum science, both in noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) devices1 and for the quest towards fault-tolerant quantum computation2,3. Rydberg arrays have emerged as a prominent platform in this context4 with impressive system sizes5,6 and proposals suggesting how error-correction thresholds could be significantly improved by detecting leakage errors with single-atom resolution7,8, a form of erasure error conversion9,10,11,12. However, two-qubit entanglement fidelities in Rydberg atom arrays13,14 have lagged behind competitors15,16 and this type of erasure conversion is yet to be realized for matter-based qubits in general. Here we demonstrate both erasure conversion and high-fidelity Bell state generation using a Rydberg quantum simulator5,6,17,18. When excising data with erasure errors observed via fast imaging of alkaline-earth atoms19,20,21,22, we achieve a Bell state fidelity of ≥0.9971+10−13, which improves to ≥0.9985+7−12≥0.9985−12+7 when correcting for remaining state-preparation errors. We further apply erasure conversion in a quantum simulation experiment for quasi-adiabatic preparation of long-range order across a quantum phase transition, and reveal the otherwise hidden impact of these errors on the simulation outcome. Our work demonstrates the capability for Rydberg-based entanglement to reach fidelities in the 0.999 regime, with higher fidelities a question of technical improvements, and shows how erasure conversion can be utilized in NISQ devices. These techniques could be translated directly to quantum-error-correction codes with the addition of long-lived qubits7,22,23,24.
