自律型ラボが材料探索を変革 (Self-driving lab transforms materials discovery)


2025-02-17 アルゴンヌ国立研究所

米国エネルギー省のアルゴンヌ国立研究所(Argonne National Laboratory)の研究者たちは、人工知能(AI)とロボティクスを活用した自律型材料研究ラボ「Polybot」を開発しました。このシステムは、電子ポリマーの薄膜製造プロセスを自動化し、高導電性で欠陥の少ないフィルムの作製に成功しています。Polybotは、AIが実験計画を立案し、ロボットが実行することで、膨大な製造プロセスの組み合わせから最適な条件を効率的に特定します。この技術により、ウェアラブルデバイスやプリンテーブルエレクトロニクス、先進的なエネルギー貯蔵システムなどへの応用が期待されています。


電子ポリマーの溶液処理のための自律型プラットフォーム Autonomous platform for solution processing of electronic polymers

Chengshi Wang,Yeon-Ju Kim,Aikaterini Vriza,Rohit Batra,Arun Baskaran,Naisong Shan,Nan Li,Pierre Darancet,Logan Ward,Yuzi Liu,Maria K. Y. Chan,Subramanian K.R.S. Sankaranarayanan,H. Christopher Fry,C. Suzanne Miller,Henry Chan & Jie Xu
Nature Communications  Published:17 February 2025

自律型ラボが材料探索を変革 (Self-driving lab transforms materials discovery)


The manipulation of electronic polymers’ solid-state properties through processing is crucial in electronics and energy research. Yet, efficiently processing electronic polymer solutions into thin films with specific properties remains a formidable challenge. We introduce Polybot, an artificial intelligence (AI) driven automated material laboratory designed to autonomously explore processing pathways for achieving high-conductivity, low-defect electronic polymers films. Leveraging importance-guided Bayesian optimization, Polybot efficiently navigates a complex 7-dimensional processing space. In particular, the automated workflow and algorithms effectively explore the search space, mitigate biases, employ statistical methods to ensure data repeatability, and concurrently optimize multiple objectives with precision. The experimental campaign yields scale-up fabrication recipes, producing transparent conductive thin films with averaged conductivity exceeding 4500 S/cm. Feature importance analysis and morphological characterizations reveal key design factors. This work signifies a significant step towards transforming the manufacturing of electronic polymers, highlighting the potential of AI-driven automation in material science.
