オーツ麦粉を使用した減糖チョコレートはオリジナルと同じくらい美味しいという研究結果(Sugar-reduced chocolate with oat flour just as tasty as original, study finds)


2024-02-12 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

ペンシルベニア州立大学の研究者による新しい研究によると、おいしいチョコレートをより少ない追加糖分で作る秘訣はオートフラワーです。『Journal of Food Science』に最近発表されたブラインドテイストテストでは、オートフラワーを使用した25%減糖チョコレートが通常のチョコレートと同じか、場合によっては好まれる評価を受けました。これにより、チョコレートの糖分を減らす新しい選択肢が提供されました。


不溶性澱粉を含む小麦粉でチョコレートの糖質を低減 Sugar reduction in chocolate compound by replacement with flours containing small insoluble starch granules

Kai Kai Ma, Gregory R. Ziegler, John E. Hayes
Journal of Food Science  Published: 23 January 2024

オーツ麦粉を使用した減糖チョコレートはオリジナルと同じくらい美味しいという研究結果(Sugar-reduced chocolate with oat flour just as tasty as original, study finds)


Consumer concern about intake of added sugars has increased commercial demand for sugar-reduced chocolates. However, substitution with high-potency sweeteners is not possible as sugar serves as an important bulking agent. Here, we investigated replacement of sucrose in chocolate compound with oat or rice flours, with starch granules smaller than 10 µm, focusing on texture, sweetness, and acceptability. In Study 1, six chocolates were made: a control with 54% sucrose, four sucrose-reduced versions (reductions of 25% or 50%, using either oat or sweet rice flour), and one 54% sucrose chocolate with reduced refining time. These chocolates were compared in a Difference from Control (DFC) test in a within-subject design, with and without nose clips. Particle size distribution, yield stress, and plastic viscosity were measured. Chocolates with 25% sucrose reduction by either sweet rice or oat flour (or reduced refining time) were not significantly different from the blind control (p > 0.05), regardless of nose clip use. In open-ended comments, participants reported differences in rice-flour-containing chocolates were due to a chalkier texture, while oat-flour-containing chocolates were described as smoother, softer, and creamier. DFC scores from the chocolates were positively correlated with plastic viscosity and negatively correlated with yield stress. In Study 2, 25% reduced sugar chocolates made with rice flour were liked significantly less than control, but the oat flour sample did not differ from control. Collectively, these results suggest up to 25% of sucrose in chocolate can be replaced with oat flour without negatively affecting texture or consumer acceptance.
