プラネタリー・コモンズ: 地球システムの重要な機能を保護するためにグローバルな協力を促進する(Planetary Commons: Fostering global cooperation to safeguard critical Earth system functions)


2024-01-23 ドイツ・サステナビリティ研究所(IASS)

◆地球システム機能を守るために新たな法的アプローチとして「planetary commons(地球共同体)」の導入が必要であり、これは国家が共同で担うべき義務を明確に満たすべきだと指摘。地球全体にわたる共通の地理的領域だけでなく、生態系の回復力を規制する重要な生物物理学的システムも含まれる。


惑星コモンズ: 人新世における地球調節システムを守るための新しいパラダイム The planetary commons: A new paradigm for safeguarding Earth-regulating systems in the Anthropocene

Johan Rockström, Louis Kotzé, Svetlana Milutinović, +18, and Will Steffen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  January 22, 2024

プラネタリー・コモンズ: 地球システムの重要な機能を保護するためにグローバルな協力を促進する(Planetary Commons: Fostering global cooperation to safeguard critical Earth system functions)


The Anthropocene signifies the start of a no-analogue trajectory of the Earth system that is fundamentally different from the Holocene. This new trajectory is characterized by rising risks of triggering irreversible and unmanageable shifts in Earth system functioning. We urgently need a new global approach to safeguard critical Earth system regulating functions more effectively and comprehensively. The global commons framework is the closest example of an existing approach with the aim of governing biophysical systems on Earth upon which the world collectively depends. Derived during stable Holocene conditions, the global commons framework must now evolve in the light of new Anthropocene dynamics. This requires a fundamental shift from a focus only on governing shared resources beyond national jurisdiction, to one that secures critical functions of the Earth system irrespective of national boundaries. We propose a new framework—the planetary commons—which differs from the global commons framework by including not only globally shared geographic regions but also critical biophysical systems that regulate the resilience and state, and therefore livability, on Earth. The new planetary commons should articulate and create comprehensive stewardship obligations through Earth system governance aimed at restoring and strengthening planetary resilience and justice.
